View Full Version : Anybody try cutting with a 1/64" dia End mill or Ball end mill bit

12-07-2015, 01:10 PM
I just purchased a couple of each in several micro diameters starting at 1/64" from American Carbide. They are all 2 flute spiral up-cut. The wife wants to do very small 3D jewelry (earrings etc) so thought id give these a try. 18000 RPM, 8 inch/Min feed, .0005 plunge depth is where I thought I'd start. Probably won't try to do a Z-Zero I think that would break them. Will use a larger bit to zero, then mic the length and set the micro bit to the same dimension or slightly higher. can adjust after first pass if necessary. (assuming it's still intact of course) Using Cherry for first try.

Opinions or personal experience welcomed. Don't say it I know I'm just a but NUTZ!!

Brady Watson
12-07-2015, 04:45 PM
1/64 is on the ragged edge of usable on a rack & pinion machine. If you have the Desktop, no problem.

In any case, proper roughing is an absolute must or you will snap tool after tool. Start roughing with an 1/8 or 1/16, then move to a 1/32 3D finish, then the 1/64.

You can use the Zzero plate without problems provided that you have the proper thickness entered to begin with. Zzeroing is critical since you don't want to take a deeper cut than you have to. Also, when you get down to 1/64 dia, you cannot really hear the tool cutting over the sound of the spindle or machine, so you'll have to do a visual on it to make sure the bit is still intact. This means no dust collection.


12-07-2015, 05:18 PM
Just Z-zeroed a never used a 64'th 2F three times on my standard Z- zeroplate. no big hoo hoo. 10 X loupe showed no damage to cutting surfaces.
Haven't gone further , but z-plate no problem I can see at 10X.
Bought these for brass clearance bit prior to VCarving for a brand and never got further.
SSilver different than 360 brass.
Post results please.

12-07-2015, 07:14 PM
Lot of good info in the PreciseBits web site, jewelry tooling is one of their specialties: http://www.precisebits.com/tutorials/calibrating_feeds_n_speeds.htm

Also, make sure for such a fragile bit that the spindle runout is VERY small: http://www.precisebits.com/tutorials/spindle_runout.htm

12-07-2015, 11:32 PM
Thanks to you all. Brand new Desktop with maybe 20 hours on it so far so should be tight yet. I'll let you all know how it went with a pic or two once I get this project going. Were dancing around like moths to a bright light trying new stuff and figuring out what we really want to build with our new shopbot. It's really a pretty easy machine to learn to run but already seeing how a tool changer and larger machine must be in my future at some point.

Brady Watson
12-08-2015, 08:29 AM
This was done on a DT with a 1/64 to give you an idea...

