View Full Version : Feeds, speeds, and cut depth question

Simon Anderson
12-13-2015, 03:38 PM
Hi there! I'm doing a project with my students that requires a great deal of pocketing at 1/2" deep. We're using MDF. To save time, I'm setting the cut depth at the full 1/2" so it does it in one pass with a 1/4" end mill. Is this smart? How fast or slow should I set the feed rate and spindle speed? I'm using a SB Desktop with router. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

Champaign, IL

12-13-2015, 04:44 PM
Assuming you are cutting in raster a better strategy is to first cut a pass where your toolpath starts with a .25 step down and then start your raster file.
You can get a smooth bottom in mdf with a .1 stepover and a .25 bit although hardwoods often require less stepover to get smoother bottoms.
Since you have a router you can't change it's speed but the speed to move can be determined better with an idea of the pocket sizes. Smaller area clears will have more cornering speed restrictions in play.

The above reply is general in nature and more specific answers would need you to post more information regarding the design. A picture of the simulation would help a great deal.

12-13-2015, 04:50 PM
raster cutting...as Dave said

doc @ 12 mm will have bit deflection...feeds/speeds...ck your chips, this will tell you if that is correct


not mdf...but look at chip ejection

Simon Anderson
12-13-2015, 05:02 PM
Hey guys. I'm not really worried about the quality outcome. The question was mostly about safety and the integrity of the bit. Will my bit be able to continuously cut at 1/2" deep in one pass without breaking?

12-13-2015, 06:10 PM
Hey guys. I'm not really worried about the quality outcome. The question was mostly about safety and the integrity of the bit. Will my bit be able to continuously cut at 1/2" deep in one pass without breaking?

no better way to learn than try your machining strategy...

Kyle Stapleton
12-13-2015, 07:25 PM
Yes, as long as it is spinning 12000 rpm 2ips move speed.

Simon Anderson
12-13-2015, 07:35 PM
Yes, as long as it is spinning 12000 rpm 2ips move speed.

Thanks Kyle!