View Full Version : Christmas Project
Brian Harnett
12-15-2015, 09:55 PM
My cousin, a Catholic priest went to Ireland a few months ago and visited where his father grew up, the house is falling apart he took some beams and cut them to fit in a suitcase and brought them back he had me make some crosses and the crucifix one for his mother who is still alive. Not the best wood to work with but a lot of history is in them along with more than one nail.
Did a rough out on the CNC for crucifix and detailed by hand he picked them up today.
Brian Harnett
12-15-2015, 09:57 PM
12-15-2015, 10:00 PM
What fantastic work! Great for you! Awesome that it comes from a beam in the old homestead! Good for you! Merry Christmas!!!
12-16-2015, 07:59 AM
Awesome!! What a great talent you have.
12-16-2015, 08:33 AM
Wonderful sentiment made fact by an Artist in wood.
Think they will be treasured after WE are all dust.
What more can a Craftsman wish for:)
You have a good hand Brian!
Still waiting for a bowling ball to fall from the sky....(might actually have to search for one:(
Brian Harnett
01-03-2016, 08:35 AM
Made another one scrap in the shop, Cherry cross and red oak body oak carved better than I expected.
01-04-2016, 09:44 AM
NICE Brian!
Only tried Red Oak Once for a 3D, but it was flat sawn and the pores unfortunately ate a Lot of the small detail. Pore placement on my part on the board.
Looks great!
Brian Harnett
01-04-2016, 11:14 AM
Yes grain orientation make a difference I made sure the grain was vertical to the front, it was scrap figured I would experiment, May have an order for a 30 inch high one. About 6 years a go I made one for a cable channel that does mass, along with some of the set furniture. I myself am not particularly religious but am fortunate to have gotten a lot of custom work. The channel is
A picture of the set (
01-04-2016, 07:13 PM
Organized religion and I have sparks fly, but Good work! You do the inlay as well?
A good week for vertical solar panels for hydronic....greenhouse barely gets to 72F because of low angle sun.
How's yours behaving?
Confirmed agnostic leaning towards Tao:)
Table saw bevel on those panels? Don't like stains unfortunately, but looks good and can see the personal touches with the stopped radius and various.
Customer is always right:)
Oh, Paul Z. sent me some pneumatic plunge clamps 2 years ago and still using Shopfox, are they really that much better?
Just curious.
Brian Harnett
01-05-2016, 07:13 AM
Scott the solar is doing good on sunny days the slab heats up nice and keeps the shop tolerable overnight I did a flow temperature measurement at peak sun the panel produces around 30,000 btu per hour not bad for free heat comes out to 187 btu per sq foot, its paid for itself just about in what I would have paid in fuel by now, not including my labor value. Will be making a second one to go up I am hoping before next winter.
Panels have moulding set around them, the camera I took the pictures with favored the red spectrum the color is not so bright, I did do the inlay on the lectern and worked with my cousin on the stonework till 2 am in the morning pushing to have the job done in time.
I am not sure of your question on the pneumatic clamps, they have a lot of uses in my shop for many applications I like the instant clamp and release.
01-05-2016, 07:59 AM
4F here this morning and 69F in the house(70F at bedtime). Throwing an hours worth of furnace time into the floor and I'll be toasty all day:) Gotta love thermal mass.
Glad the color was just the camera as it was too bright for me, but I'm too polite:) to criticize on personal taste of customer.
Like the effect of the stopped roundover on columns, did that quite a few places on the house.
Like the dry stacked Ashlar job as well.
How big was that Red Oak/Cherry one?
Stay warm,
Brian Harnett
01-05-2016, 01:12 PM
The body is 11 inches tall not real big I use a 1/4 ball to do the whole thing then carve by hand.
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