View Full Version : Bill Young's Maker Crate

12-18-2015, 11:15 AM
In another thread Scott suggested I see if I can get the maker crate files for the desktop crate from Bill.
Just to let anyone who is interested know the files are on the net and are open source.
3d model in sketchup on 3dwarehouse.com:

click on the github link to get the SB files.

12-18-2015, 05:37 PM
Thanks for pointing that out Dave. I've got a new version that I've been using for a while that I'll be posting soon. It's somewhat material-agnostic and much more tolerant of variations in plywood thickness than that dovetailed version. Also less post-processing of parts..no glueing and clamping required!


12-18-2015, 05:50 PM
I'm just glad I got the one I did Bill:)
I thank you and TJ for the wheelchair version almost every day!
PERFECT for me:)

12-18-2015, 08:01 PM
Bill, you know my version of a shipping crate!!
The lessons in that design are tres bon.