View Full Version : Best software for transferring files?

12-20-2015, 09:33 PM
This computer i'm on is starting to die and i have GIGS of material and programs ect i need to transfer from this computer to the new one and wondered if anyone had recommendations for a good program that would transfer and skip duplicate files and such from one computer to the next? Something i could get like from tucows or download.com?

I also have 2 external drives already connected to this computer i'd like to transfer stuff to then hook them to the new computer.

I used to have a windows application that was a transfer/copy type but i have forgot what that was and don't think i have it on this computer

12-20-2015, 11:09 PM
A combo of these 2



12-20-2015, 11:23 PM
this is where my mac is so much better I could use time capsule to do it or connect to my old computer and import it all( windows has that to) or in this case took the ssd drive out put it in a usb 3 external case plugged it in and booted from that took 1 minute to have the new computer up and running. all you need to do is take the hard drive out and put it in an external case so it is not a sweat. I use dropbox for all my bot files and install files. then I just set it up on the new computer and download all the files and they are all in place again.

12-20-2015, 11:41 PM
synctoy is very simple to use

12-20-2015, 11:59 PM
synctoy was the pgm i was trying to think of thanks!

12-21-2015, 12:11 PM
I have been using Google drive and it has made it very simple for me. I have internet to all 3 of my computers I design on a lap top, I have the control computer for the machine and I have shop computer. I have them all synchronized up to Google drive rather than saving the files to C drive I save them to Google drive. I can then access the files from any of the 3 computers. I do not run files on the control computer from Google drive I open them on the control computer and move the cut file to a tamp file saved on the C drive of the control computer. This is so much better for me than what I used to do transferring everything on thumb drives. The service is free there are others besides Google drive. I copied all the files to Google drive and then back them up on my lap top if anything happens to Google drive I still have them on the lap top and vise versa.

The one thing you have to be aware of is if you have the same file open on more than one computer the last save you make will be what you have saved so it is best to not have the same file open on more than 1 computer at a time.

12-21-2015, 12:28 PM
Windows (yuck) has everything you need. You can connect the two via an ethernet cable and set them up as a network to talk to each other, then it's
drag and drop.