View Full Version : Making an AR-15 with a CNC

01-01-2016, 01:54 AM
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01-01-2016, 06:45 AM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 07:55 AM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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Happy New Year. I cant even find decent 3-d artwork for an ar-15 let along make one.

Herb Holmes
01-01-2016, 09:07 AM
For that matter, I just don't get the hysteria with terrorists. For sure a highly important target for the police to try to intercept before they can do something bad. But the above mentioned "regular gun owners" kill probably a 100 times more people with guns than terrorists in this country and nobody freaks out.

That's some opinion you've got there of quite a large part of our population , thankfully most folks are better informed

01-01-2016, 10:25 AM
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01-01-2016, 10:30 AM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 11:04 AM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 11:15 AM
Dan, I'm sure your correct but each night when I turn on the News, here in Okla., the feature is usually a couple of homocides.

I love this country and all you guys. Although I'm a veteran if I could survive as a sign artist in Europe, France, I'd move. My state is becoming violent. My age is against me but I'd consider another place to live if I could make it. I'm a peace loving guy.

01-01-2016, 11:29 AM
Dan, I'm sure your correct but each night when I turn on the News, here in Okla., the feature is usually a couple of homocides.

I love this country and all you guys. Although I'm a veteran if I could survive as a sign artist in Europe, France, I'd move. My state is becoming violent. My age is against me but I'd consider another place to live if I could make it. I'm a peace loving guy.

Same here, I actually stopped watching the News, just too depressing. Seems the violence is everywhere nowadays.

01-01-2016, 11:51 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

One of the BEST parts about this forum is that we are kind to one another, share our ideas and stay out of the stuff that is total political ****. Let's all do ourselves a favor and keep the forum pointed int he right direction. Let's leave the politics out. There are many places to go incite the masses. Here, we are looking to INSPIRE the masses- especially those that use a Blue Machine to create wonderful work, works of art and inspirations to the Regular Joe (and Jane). That group is obviously only looking to score points in one single solitary place. We are much bigger, more interesting, and more talented. And anyone with a caliper and half a brain could do what those people are doing. They are not special. They are antagonists.

Let's keep our act classy.

As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 12:50 PM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 12:54 PM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 01:06 PM

I'm thinking positive. I love the media although they make mistakes without them we'd go total ignorant. Think good thoughts.

01-01-2016, 01:17 PM
Well when positive thoughts are arent enough a 357 or glock 45 can fill in the gaps. I know the media makes mistakes but what i cant stand is out and out lies.

Now back on track for this website, i still need a good 3-d file for an ar-15, preferably the fuhttp://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=26936&stc=1
ll size model.

By the way Happy News Years everyone.

Here is my latest police plaque headed to its new home. If i could just learn how to finish.

01-01-2016, 01:22 PM
Drop Dead beautiful carving. It doesn't get any better than this. But you scare the heck out of me.

01-01-2016, 01:24 PM
i am luver not a fighter anymore so i dont think i can scare anyone.

James M
01-01-2016, 01:36 PM
Beautiful carving! Cherry?


01-01-2016, 01:44 PM
Yes it is cherry. Buts whats beautiful is Alberta and BC. Just got back in Sept for a harley ride there. Been there a hand full of times but weather really sucked this trip. I think that i will get the chance to return in 2017, sure hope so. Maybe in June this time.

01-01-2016, 06:22 PM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 06:34 PM
Yep, what you've listed is a part of America. Not sure it's meaning less. You may not like it but.

01-01-2016, 07:30 PM
Guys...I didn't mean for this thread to be a referendum on the 2nd amendment but was just trying to show how far CNC has come. This was done by the same guy who made a 3D printed pistol.
I just thought it was an interesting article from a "maker" standpoint. I would never trust anything that wasn't precision made like my Glock! (I guess that tells you where I stand)...

I have seen for decades the decline in our manufacturing capabilities and although i don't think CNC and 3D printers will replace industries, it does fill a niche.

Cowboy...based on that picture you posted if you think that you have to learn how to finish, i'd say you were a bit early for April Fool. That is fantastic!
I need to make a police badge for our retiring police chief and i'd like to talk to you about how you are able to get a smooth finish and some other questions i have. Good job.

01-01-2016, 07:37 PM
I suspect that terrorists grab more attention because they are a largely foreign force trying to impose their political/ideological/religious will with the threat of random mass murders on the civilian population in a high profile manner [to state the obvious].

In either case, you would be praying for a "regular gun owner" to be on the scene if you were accosted by either a terrorist or a violent criminal.[/QUOTE]

As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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As for being 'scared' of 'Cowboy', I'll welcome him having my back any day. And even though I'm not a veteran, I'd have his back too! BTW Cowboy, beautiful piece!

01-01-2016, 07:40 PM
Hi noon or low noon i am always willing to talk about the second. Being Texan through and through i will keep my eye on the new open carry law that went into effect a few hours ago.

not sure if you have my email or not but I will pm it to you and we can work on the police badge design.

Scott as usual you are spot on correct and you know a little about my history. Thanks for the kind words about the plaque. Its a husband having it made for his wife.

01-01-2016, 07:55 PM
Why is it not illegal to sell a machine to make guns? Is that not like distributing?

01-01-2016, 08:08 PM
I must confess, it's fun to throw a liberal, peace bone, into the ring of you gun totters. My apology. But we really should be much safer. Right

01-01-2016, 08:34 PM
Its New Years day Joe and i am having a little fun. I have always wanted to go to a school where you were a teacher, came close once but the deal fell through.

In ref to selling a machine that can make a gun is like saying its illegal to make cars because the driver might drive drunk and kill someone. And i dont mean that in a mean spirited way just making the comparison. besides i would expect the gun to blow up in your face with that cheap of a cnc.

Back to my original request: I still need an ar-15 3d model if anyone can point me in the right direction.

01-01-2016, 08:59 PM
This thread needs to come to an end!

01-01-2016, 09:02 PM
I have a nice generic SMG model that looks a bit like an AR, also a Ruger and a Glock., pm if anyone wants the file.

As to why terrorist attacks get all the hype while routine murders, which far, far outnumber terrorist casualties [at least within the USA] are largely ignored ... Human nature & media/political agenda.
Same as when a large aircraft crashes, instant international news and all the while, car crashes far outnumber aircraft crashes but there is not much publicity about them. It is sensationalist hype in a way, but the media pushes and hypes what sells, and terrorism fits the bill for many different agendas.

As I type they are plotting more outrages and massacres on our soil, not good to get complacent just because the danger is not personally gripping your throat this instant. A loved one of yours becomes victim to these foreign zealots you'll be singing a different tune, I pray that never happens but the reality of the situation must be faced, not excused or rationalized. Many trojans are in our midst thanks to open borders, government and LE cannot and will not always protect us.

Edit: Relax Joe, we are all grown men here, no ones getting hot under the collar.
Maybe you should just unsubscribe the topic if you are bothered so much by a little contemporary social discourse.

01-01-2016, 09:27 PM
As a reminder, this forum is set-up and maintained by ShopBot Tools for ShopBotters and interested users of ShopBot CNC tools. Kindly keep topics relevant to ShopBot and CNC. For reference please see the Forum Rules and Instructions.
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01-01-2016, 11:29 PM
I need some more popcorn for all this

01-01-2016, 11:47 PM
Remind me to tell you about my experience with popcorn grease. Lets just say it did not work out well for me. Once again happy new year everyone.

01-02-2016, 08:52 AM
If your looking for a AR stl file go to CNCguns.com. You can buy the real thing from MidwayUSA.com a lot cheaper. I shoot paper and the AR is a great gun for that Mine has a 1" stainless barrel and you wouldn't want to toot it around. Gun's are fine it just the crazy's that have them.

01-02-2016, 09:09 AM
thanks. What i want is a 3-d model to carve one in wood as part of some artwork that i want to put together.

01-02-2016, 09:12 AM
^^^^^^This is the best post. Make art not war.

GrabCAD had models of them. https://grabcad.com/library/ar-15--1?comment=517203

01-02-2016, 09:15 AM
thanks. What i want is a 3-d model to carve one in wood as part of some artwork that i want to put together.

Cowbo1296, I sent you a PM.

01-02-2016, 09:36 AM
I did not get the pm.

willnewton, that looks like just like what i wanted. thanks

01-02-2016, 10:03 AM
3-d warehouse also has a bunch of sketch-up models.

On another note: Personally I don't like guns and don't own one. The US has fewer restrictions on gun ownership in the civilized world than any other country. We also have the highest rate of gun deaths. It's a no-brainer to see the connection. Nevertheless, at this point, there is no way to put the cat back in the bag. So I also believe that gun ownership in this country cannot nor should be outlawed. My feelings are somewhat conflicted as I also wonder if so many of my family would not have been slaughtered by Nazis if popular gun ownership was allowed where they were living at the time. Therefore, my conclusion is this: As long as owning a firearm is legal in the US I don't really want one, but the day our government passes laws preventing me from owning one I will stock up on everything I can afford or leave the country. And yes, I do know how to use them. But regulations on proper ownership, control of unlicensed sales, and laws not allowing unlimited license to carry whenever and however one wants are necessary.

All life matters!

01-02-2016, 10:39 AM
Me Too Bleeth,

Americans balk at our government telling us what to do. The gun issue is a generational, wild west, thing and the general attitude is "No one is going to take my gun away from me". I gave all mine away to some roofers working on my house. They couldn't believe it. Was glad to see them go.

The thinking is "I'm safer with a gun". We know it's not true. You only need to look at countries having restrictive gun laws. Europe is a good model. I could post the numbers but it's of no use. No one on either side of this issue is going to change their mind.

Time will solve this problem.

01-02-2016, 01:25 PM
"Wild West"?? I don't think so. I have owned 10-20 guns for over 40 years and not one of them have ever killed anyone! My freezer is full and I feed my family as well as many friends. You don't like guns? Don't own one. I don't like swimming pools but I don't care if you have one (and they kill plenty people).

01-02-2016, 03:03 PM
"Wild West"?? I don't think so. I have owned 10-20 guns for over 40 years and not one of them have ever killed anyone! My freezer is full and I feed my family as well as many friends. You don't like guns? Don't own one. I don't like swimming pools but I don't care if you have one (and they kill plenty people).

I'm sorry, but the "swimming pools/cars/screw drivers/stuffed animals cause deaths too" argument is one of the worst in the pro-gun user's locker.

Guns were designed to make killing more efficient. That was their intended purpose. They make killing easier, faster and safer for the user. Now I completely understand guns are used by many people that have absolutely no intention of killing anything but that doesn't change the fact guns are designed to kill and swimming pools are designed to cool you off in the hot weather. When swimming pools are marketed with the intended purpose of drowning people and manufacturers begin to focus on making pools more efficient at drowning people, then you're argument is completely valid.

As for the original post, it's a pretty ballsy idea to market yourself as a company that actively aids people in building illegal firearms. Forget the fact it's an assault rifle. It's simply a gun that doesn't have a serial number associated with it. Get caught with this gun and you could very likely end up in a federal prison. They can call is a Ghost Weapon. I call is a prison sentence.

01-02-2016, 03:18 PM
In ref to selling a machine that can make a gun is like saying its illegal to make cars because the driver might drive drunk and kill someone. And i dont mean that in a mean spirited way just making the comparison.

No, that is not a fair comparison. Selling a CNC machine is fine. Selling one geared to making a weapon that has only one purpose, to kill people is a different thing. A car to get from A to B no problem. A car with spinning razors to take out pedestrians, not so cool.

01-02-2016, 03:52 PM
Have you ever used a screwdriver to open a paint can? Well, I guess not everything is ALWAYS used for what it was intended for. I guess my point I'm trying to make is you can't/shouldn't use a broad brush to paint a picture. Guns are not bad, guns in the wrong hands are bad. I'm not a "pry my cold,dead hands" kinda guy. I have my CPL and have never conceal carried, probably never will. I like my guns. I like to shoot. I like to hunt. I just want to be able to have guns if I choose to. The bottom line is the end user is responsible for there actions.

01-02-2016, 04:03 PM
I'm out of butter

01-02-2016, 04:12 PM
Me too. One of those "nobody wins" things. Agree to disagree.

01-02-2016, 04:28 PM
In reference to some no name shop spiting out guns: right before i retired i was involved in a program where we were trying to trace the original owners of firearms. This gave me some access to atf files. You have no idea the number of manufacturers there are in this country, easily into the hundreds and maybe well over a 1000. I would imagine that most were some mom and pop shop grinding away with their equipment which could even be cnc. The beauty of our country if you dont like guns dont get any.

01-02-2016, 05:32 PM

This isn't about you and me. We're good guys but there are too many gun owners who should never have a gun. We all remember Sandy Hook! The NRA should be over at congress, daily, helping draft sensible legislation to make guns ownership more responsible. Were dragging and pleading with them and they have contempt and defiance is unfortunate. It leads to un-necessary deaths. Why aren't all you Pistol Packers pushing for reasonable laws to protect your rights to keep what you love? Time is not on your side.

When I was a kid the NRA was showing all us how to hunt and be safe. Now they have little concern for children or the average non hunting citizens.

Brian Harnett
01-02-2016, 05:44 PM
I am not worried about someone using cnc to make a weapon, most that do crimes or terrorism are not going to be intelligent enough to go through the process, especially when there are states where it is easier to buy a handgun than to get mace.

As for the gun issue its like arguing religion I have a problem with poorly trained people carrying weapons the likelihood of them doing any good is far outweighed by mistaken or accidental or shooting. The military gives way more training on safety than civilian gun owners get.

01-02-2016, 08:19 PM
Me Too Bleeth,

Americans balk at our government telling us what to do. The gun issue is a generational, wild west, thing and the general attitude is "No one is going to take my gun away from me". I gave all mine away to some roofers working on my house. They couldn't believe it. Was glad to see them go.

The thinking is "I'm safer with a gun". We know it's not true. You only need to look at countries having restrictive gun laws. Europe is a good model. I could post the numbers but it's of no use. No one on either side of this issue is going to change their mind.

Time will solve this problem.

Mexico also has very restrictive gun laws, wonder how thats working out for them ??
Chicago has some of the strictest laws in the nation ,,, And many if not most of the recent mass shootings happened in "gun free zones" to the point where even US Marines were gunned down at their recruiting station because they aren't allowed to carry a weapon domestically.
Wonder how things might have been changed in the recent massacres in Paris and CA if there was even 1 good guy with a gun to confront the blood thirsty zealots on something approaching equal terms ? You notice these cowards never, ever try to shoot up a police station or even a biker bar where the odds of them getting shot back at are very high, its always soft targets because they just love unarmed people - And folks like you, perhaps with the best of misguided intentions, are perfectly willing to oblige them. I just can't wrap my head around that kind of "logic".

I'm safer with a gun, there is no "we" here, request you speak for yourself and not put yourself on the "my side is right!" category by default.

01-02-2016, 08:27 PM
I live in Canada. WE have gun laws. I never ever worry about someone having a gun. Period.

01-02-2016, 08:49 PM
I live in Canada. WE have gun laws. I never ever worry about someone having a gun. Period. Sure we have gun crimes, but on such a small scale compared to the gun loving USA. Have you heard of Chicago being called Chi-Raq or Killidelphia... We don't have anything like it. So enjoy your right to bear arms. And now the right to build arms.

To be fair, "we" also have 1/10th the population, and far fewer large populated cities, where more violence tends to occur (vs the small towns).

In Canada, at least where i Have lived - if I really wanted to get my hands on a firearm, I could. I used to hunt, and owned several shotguns and rifles, and a few bows. But, I gave that up years ago mainly due to time and lost interest. However, I do believe that if I were so inclined to get my hands on a gun, I could, even without the proper paperwork (ie, illegally).

Guns, like knives and other "weapons" do not automatically mean the owner is out to do bad. I love (and somewhat collect) knives - and I carry a pocket knife to work every day (and actually use it). To me, its a tool and not a weapon. In a different set of hands, the same knife could be used to commit a crime. Dont blame the knife.

I would like to introduce my sons to target shooting when he's older, and possibly hunting if they are so inclined. I appreciate that we can still do that. I have no use personally for hand guns, but that is due I am sure, to the fact that here you can only use them at target ranges and there is no legalized carry law, unless you are an officer, or similar.

This is not an easy "black and white" thing to resolve. There are far too many variables IMO.

Some cities, such as Toronto, have a lot of violence - almost daily. A mix of gun, knife and other stuff. Im glad I live in a smaller community - but there is some pretty wild stuff that happens here from time to time too.

01-02-2016, 09:50 PM
Joe, just what would you propose as being 'reasonable' and 'not infringing'? We have background checks, we have waiting periods, we have limitations on magazine capicity, we have trigger buttons that turn simi-automatic modern sporting rifles into single shots (That's right, modern sporting rifles, otherwise known as AR's, which contrary to what most think/say, doesn't stand for assault rifle or automatic rifle, it is ArmaLite rifle, which is the company that first developed it in the 1950s and is no different in principle than a simi-auto hunting rifle, one shot per trigger pull), we have CCW classes to take in order to conceal carry, gun show dealers require FFL's and background checks (gunshow loophole is a myth) and contrary to what many think, you can't just buy a gun online and have it shipped directly to you (also a myth), it has to go though a local federally licensed dealer, FFL. Firearm manufacturing and sales are highly regulated by the federal government. Non of these would have stopped tragedies like Sandy Hook and many others. Expanded background checks and longer waiting periods will do nothing, yet they keep spouting all the same rhetoric. If your intent is to do harm, you'll find a way, be it an inanimate object or by hand. It's not a matter of guns, sticks or stones, it a matter of the heart. 'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?' Expanded background checks will never find that!

And folks like you, perhaps with the best of misguided intentions, are perfectly willing to oblige them. I just can't wrap my head around that kind of "logic".

So true!

I'm not a big fan of the NRA, for reasons that I won't get into here, but if anyone is serious about helping to preserve our gun rights here in America, look into the GOA (http://gunowners.org/). They are on the front lines.

01-02-2016, 10:40 PM
To be fair, "we" also have 1/10th the population, and far fewer large populated cities, where more violence tends to occur (vs the small towns).

In Canada, at least where i Have lived - if I really wanted to get my hands on a firearm, I could. I used to hunt, and owned several shotguns and rifles, and a few bows. But, I gave that up years ago mainly due to time and lost interest. However, I do believe that if I were so inclined to get my hands on a gun, I could, even without the proper paperwork (ie, illegally).

Guns, like knives and other "weapons" do not automatically mean the owner is out to do bad. I love (and somewhat collect) knives - and I carry a pocket knife to work every day (and actually use it). To me, its a tool and not a weapon. In a different set of hands, the same knife could be used to commit a crime. Dont blame the knife.

I would like to introduce my sons to target shooting when he's older, and possibly hunting if they are so inclined. I appreciate that we can still do that. I have no use personally for hand guns, but that is due I am sure, to the fact that here you can only use them at target ranges and there is no legalized carry law, unless you are an officer, or similar.

This is not an easy "black and white" thing to resolve. There are far too many variables IMO.

Some cities, such as Toronto, have a lot of violence - almost daily. A mix of gun, knife and other stuff. Im glad I live in a smaller community - but there is some pretty wild stuff that happens here from time to time too.

I looked at some statistics, and if Canada was the population of the USA, our gun deaths would be 1/10th... so if they have 13,000, we would have 1,300. In 2013 Canada had about 130 gun deaths.

01-02-2016, 11:21 PM
Part of the problem is..."perception is reality" so if i "think" it is more dangerous out there i'm more likely to take a gun with me. I have my CCP and carry because I believe i'd rather have one when needed then not. The legal licensed carriers are not the ones you need to worry about. It's the thugs who get illegal weapons, at least around here, are who the problem is.
We have several home invasion robberies and i'd rather be protected. I do however think i would have no problem with all sales/transfers having to go thru a background check. I say give those people what they want, then when it is finally proven that the problem is not registered owners that will be one less excuse that can be used to take away our rights. You register your car, your boat, ect what's the difference, as long as they can't deny you your rights (except for loonies, felons and reasonable exclusions like that).

I live within eyesight of Thomas Jefferson's home and if you read my bottom saying in my signature file is what i believe.

01-03-2016, 08:16 AM

01-03-2016, 08:29 AM
Time to take a stand. Dont be putting the bad rap on Blue Bell. : ) Its a good thing for my blood sugar that it is not readily available in Colorado.

01-03-2016, 10:30 AM

Great timing on Blue Bell


01-03-2016, 10:57 AM
Ok, I'll take the bait one more time.....

....even more flawed logic and flawed comparison. Apples to airplanes, what does one have to do with the other. The last time I bought some ice cream, I didn't have to go through a background check, waiting period, and sign my life away to get it. Besides, I bought a machine that I can make my own with. ;)

01-03-2016, 11:55 AM
Besides, I bought a machine that I can make my own with.

And congratulations - we've come full circle to the opening point of the conversation- having a machine to make your own "___________________" with. LOL!

While this discourse has been interesting, entertaining and eye-opening, I "vote" we wind this one down and get back to original point of this forum. Love my country. Love the freedom I am currently able to enjoy in it. Same can be said about my cnc. Same goes for all of you in this community. Grateful to all who have picked up a weapon and faced death in the name of establishing and preserving the current state of freedom I'm fortunate enough to enjoy.

I'm going to go forth into this new year and shape the place with the most harmony I can through my energy and creativity. That's the best way I know of honoring the memory of those slain in the name of a free country. That's all the power any one of us truly has in the end, so the only challenge I offer here is to roll on into a more positive, productive, safe and prosperous new year.

Happy New Year!


01-03-2016, 05:52 PM
I live in Canada. WE have gun laws. I never ever worry about someone having a gun. Period.

Are you proposing that if Canada was suddenly flooded with 1,000,000's of guns, the present population would just start shooting each other ?

01-03-2016, 07:05 PM
Sorry, if I pushed this thread towards a somewhat contentious direction with my original reply. But I must say, the discussion, while controversial has stayed civil. I am a member of a few other forums (not CNC related), that would by now have exploded in name calling and flaming. I know, this topic is beyond rational discussion and I just wanted to point out that the recent focus on terrorism by the press and politicians who want to pretend they can do something is misplaced. There are bigger threats we face that should be addressed.
With my European background I just lack the understanding for the feeling to need guns. I don't have them (other than a small muzzle loader cannon and a pellet rifle) nor care to buy one. My son who lives here at the time collects antique military rifles and has a hand gun. I can live with that, well knowing I am statistically way more likely to be killed by my son than by any burglar, terrorist or gangster. Fortunately, he is a level-headed guy who works in law enforcement and is well trained. We like each other and I guess the risk is negligible. Not sure if I can say that about my crackhead neighbor who owns guns, too.
The presence of guns everywhere is just another risk of life for me. Overall it is is moderate and since I like this country I have chosen to live with it.

Brian Harnett
01-03-2016, 07:12 PM
Sorry, if I pushed this thread towards a somewhat contentious direction with my original reply. But I must say, the discussion, while controversial has stayed civil. I am a member of a few other forums (not CNC related), that would by now have exploded in name calling and flaming. I know, this topic is beyond rational discussion and I just wanted to point out that the recent focus on terrorism by the press and politicians who want to pretend they can do something is misplaced. There are bigger threats we face that should be addressed.
With my European background I just lack the understanding for the feeling to need guns. I don't have them (other than a small muzzle loader cannon and a pellet rifle) nor care to buy one. My son who lives here at the time collects antique military rifles and has a hand gun. I can live with that, well knowing I am statistically way more likely to be killed by my son than by any burglar, terrorist or gangster. Fortunately, he is a level-headed guy who works in law enforcement and is well trained. We like each other and I guess the risk is negligible. Not sure if I can say that about my crackhead neighbor who owns guns, too.
The presence of guns everywhere is just another risk of life for me. Overall it is is moderate and since I like this country I have chosen to live with it.

Thank you for your balanced reply I do not think you pushed it in a direction, its a hot button topic I feel very much as you do. I was trained to us firearms but have never felt the need to carry one at all. Do love black powder though.

01-03-2016, 09:10 PM
The presence of guns everywhere is just another risk of life for me. Overall it is is moderate and since I like this country I have chosen to live with it.

Come join us down here in the South, where Gun Racks are standard feature in pickup trucks. And if you want to see a really heated discussion (with I high probability of ending in gunfire) just pick a side: Chevy or Ford.

01-03-2016, 09:47 PM
Come join us down here in the South, where Gun Racks are standard feature in pickup trucks. And if you want to see a really heated discussion (with I high probability of ending in gunfire) just pick a side: Chevy or Ford.

FORD: Fix Or Repair Daily

01-03-2016, 10:11 PM
Come join us down here in the South, where Gun Racks are standard feature in pickup trucks. And if you want to see a really heated discussion (with I high probability of ending in gunfire) just pick a side: Chevy or Ford.

LOL, I have one of each... in order to not stir the pot I wont say which I prefer... but lets just say its the one that rhymes with "ord", ha ha.:cool:

01-03-2016, 10:15 PM
FORD: Fix Or Repair Daily

Ford: Four Old Rusty Doors

Owned a '86 Ford T-Bird, was a flood salvage car, most comfortable car I've ever driven, some rust issues on underside :) especially when I tried to do some work on it myself.

01-03-2016, 10:19 PM
Ford: Four Old Rusty Doors

Owned a '86 Ford T-Bird, was a flood salvage car, most comfortable car I've ever driven, some rust issues on underside :) especially when I tried to do some work on it myself.

Ford: Found On Road Dead

Had a 99 explorer.

Its name was 'sploder. It died on the side of the road...

01-03-2016, 10:43 PM
Ford: Found On Road Dead

Had a 99 explorer.

Its name was 'sploder. It died on the side of the road...

My first "real" vehhicle was a 94' Explorer. I bought it in 97 used, with about 50,000 KM on it. Drove it for 9 years... never had any issues until the body rotted away. My next one was a regular sized Expedition (an 02 I bought in 05), and drove it for 5 years until I bought my current Expedition, an 09 I bought with 31K on it (10 months old). I have had it for jsut a few months shy of 6 years, and just rolled 180K a few weeks ago. So far no major work other than the brakes. I plan to drive it for several more years. i tend to go to about 300K and then look for something newer.

We have owned about 4 chev vans for work. My current is an old 01', with just around 200K on it. Wont die! Just got a brand new set of winter tires, which probably cost me more than the van is worth, lol.

I religiously service my vehicles - and tend to get very good service from them. or call me lucky! I'd like a new van, but will keep this one going for as long as it is in good mechanical shape and the body is intact.

My wife bought a brand new Suburban 3 years ago. Has had a few electrical issues - more annoying than anything. I dont know why but I dont like the truck compared to my Ford. Everything seems in the wrong place for me!

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ajcoholic/ajcoholic011/IMG_0921_zpsm4786qen.jpg (http://s83.photobucket.com/user/ajcoholic/media/ajcoholic011/IMG_0921_zpsm4786qen.jpg.html)

01-03-2016, 10:49 PM
Ford: Found On Road Dead

Had a 99 explorer.

Its name was 'sploder. It died on the side of the road...

These don't roll off the tongue like Ford's do, but in the interest of being fair.....

Chevrolet: Cheap Hardly Efficient Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time

Chevrolet: Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Engine Ticks

Chevrolet: Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy Engineering Techniques

Dodge: Don't Over Drive Gears Explode

Dodge: Deadly On Days Gears Engage

Haven't youse guys heard 'bout chevy's reliability? 90% of chevys are still on the road today, the other 10% were actually able to make it home

01-03-2016, 10:57 PM
My first "real" vehicle was a 94' Explorer.

I had a Mercury version of the Explorer, the Mountaineer. A '97 model, bought used. Within the first year, some exhaust issues, dealer wanted $2000+ to fix, local shop did it for a little over half that, and then 6 months later, similar problem, cost was going to be pretty high to fix it, and with U-Haul not wanting to rent trailers to me (due to the whole flipping Explorer issue), I finally decided I'd bought a bad apple and traded it in for a Chevy Impala, new with 1200 miles (dealer gave his preacher a car every year, drove it as a "demo" vehicle) and the last 2004 on his lot, so I got it for a steal. Drove that car for 8 years, 220,000 miles till it needed a new engine. With gas at $4 a gallon at the time, I switched to hybrids and a Prius. Miss the comfort of American cars, but really liked filling up for $11 yesterday.

01-04-2016, 01:28 AM
OK.. among all the really cool cars as a kid i had (55 chevy nomad wagon, 55 chevy coupe, 57 chevy convertible, 1950 dodge, I had a 1950 Ford F500 Orange Tow
truck. At 19 i made more money with that think jumping batteries at the steel mills in winter.
HEY...wait a minute lets get back to talking about GUNS!! (just kidding...)

01-04-2016, 01:55 AM
Are you proposing that if Canada was suddenly flooded with 1,000,000's of guns, the present population would just start shooting each other ?

I don't understand where you came up with this.

No, they would all be turned in to the police to be destroyed. We just don't have the culture of guns, killing etc...
Guns are well regulated, and just not part of Canadian society.

01-04-2016, 08:39 AM
I do luv Canada and go there often, but alberta and BC. Who knows who's fault it is but i think it started with LBJ who helped start the welfare state and not one president sense has fixed it. Ultimately this created a no father in the home and add to this a drug/thug culture and decent people dont stand a chance. Perhaps Canada does not have this type problem.

01-04-2016, 09:02 AM
I agree with rb99.

Like cowboy say, we need to blame someone. That liberal LBJ seems like a good candidate.

This country is still living in the "Wild West" mode.

01-04-2016, 10:36 AM

Need a drink

01-04-2016, 11:08 AM
Came across a theory called the Medea hypothesis. Something about the reason we haven't found other life in the universe (though we keep looking) is that we carry within us a suicide gene that won't allow us to become the dominant incurable species of a planet. As technology evolves it makes it easier and easier to do larger damage from fewer individuals. At some point, one individual will have the means to wipe us out and will do so.
Maybe someone will be able to print themselves out an ebola virus and unleash it on the world, etc... That this may be happenning thruout the universe and would explain why there has been no evidence of life found resulting in the Fermi paradox (how can there be millions of planets harboring life in the universe but we haven't found any evidence?)
Interesting theory as we watch more and more powerful technology become more and more accessible and affordable.
Personally speaking I think our all knowing constitution has predicted this possibility, over 200 years ago, and we can rest easy.
As an aside, I believe that when a tragedy happens and a toddler shoots someone with a gun, under those circumstances when police are unable to intercede in time, then the only thing that can stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun!

01-04-2016, 12:49 PM
I'm too am very impressed at the tolerance shown on this forum. Lots of high quality people.

01-04-2016, 12:58 PM
Quality and me in the same sentence, are you sure. I have not only seen Blue Bell slammed but Dodge pickups as well in the last couple of days. That should be enough to ruffle your feathers : ) Regardless of what side of the issue you take, one thing we almost have to agree on is that we live in a strange time. Currently we have armed men occupying a a federal piece of property in Oregon. Are they patriots or are they criminals, i guess that would depend on who you ask.