View Full Version : Shortening my cnc machine

jim shula
01-09-2016, 07:11 AM
I have an old 5'x10' PRT that dates back to 2003 (that's a guess, I bought it used). Although I occasionally use the 5' width capacity when I cut 5'x5' baltic birch, I've never had a case where I needed the 10' length capacity. I'm thinking about cutting 2' off it to gain a little shop space. The rails are the blue steel angle with the geared teeth on the bottom edge. I'd like to shorten the length without taking it all apart. So if I cut it in place, what's the best way to cut that hardened steel?


Brady Watson
01-09-2016, 07:53 AM
There's no hardened steel...that didn't come until the PRS line. Sawzall with a Torch blade is the easiest. You'll still have to move the legs inboard. Put gantry at opposite end before you cut.


01-09-2016, 07:55 AM
I would a 4 1/2" grinder with a thin cut off blade, I have used this method to cut all kinds of steel.

01-09-2016, 11:58 AM
I can understand needing more room in a cramped shop but if you can deal with the length the extra 2 feet can be used if you set the machine up with an area for clamping fixtures. I started with a 4 x 8 PRS and when I bought my second machine I got a 75" x 125" machine I have a dedicated 54" x 96" vacuum area with 5 zones. I installed a clamping area around the vacuum area and man is it handy I have a bunch of dedicated jigs built that I can add when needed. Not knowing what you do with your machine that may not be something you need just think about it before you cut adding the 2' back on won't be as easy.


jim shula
01-09-2016, 01:16 PM
I've had the machine for almost eight years now. I mainly do carved signs with some occasional custom machining and a boat kit now and then. I'd prefer to trade it for a 4x8 or 5x8 with a spindle, but that would take perfect alignment of all the stars to happen. Even cutting 12" off the length would make a huge difference when trying to walk around the machine.