View Full Version : Bit recommendations

01-25-2016, 01:39 PM
I have a job that requires a fairly detailed profile cut. I can get away with using a 1/8" bit, but I don't have one that will cut as deep as I need to go ( .75").

I will probably use a 1/4" for the overall profile cut, and use a 1/8" to pocket out the tight spots, as there's only a few.

Anybody have a link/recommendations?

So far, the closest bit I can find is a 3/16" Freud that'll go .75" at Rockler...

01-25-2016, 02:10 PM
Been using this one about 2 years for cutouts in thicker (stuff BBply to.95" Maple/Walnut) where I'm try to nest as much as possible(or trying to make something as big as I can without cutting my fences).

Wouldn't recommend if you don't have spindle for speed/torque as it finicky and likes a conventional toolpath at 2.0-2.6,.5,9-10K with 1/2D pass depth and ramps.
Not sure about intricate stuff because VR wouldn't let you get up to speed?