View Full Version : Pinions and Motor Shafts

James M
02-07-2016, 01:29 PM
Powered up the bot and was checking it and noticed some play on the X1, X2 and Y motors.

I knew the X2 was a little loose but was surprised that play developed in the other motors.

It it common maintenance requirement to have to re-tighten the pinion set screws on to the motor shafts after x hours of operation?

Thanks for your replies.


02-07-2016, 02:51 PM
my last set of pinions had smaller setscrews it made it harder to get them tight. locktite will fix it and a lot of tightening though the small annalen wrench needed now makes it harder.

James M
02-07-2016, 06:14 PM

Bought the bot used and noticed when I re-mounted the X2 motor that there were lots of set screw marks on the shaft. Do you find that it's your experience that you need to tighten the set screws every so often?


02-07-2016, 11:47 PM
I did when I replaced them they all came loose. so some locktite and really working on them has take care of it. they used to be 1/4 -20 now they are 8/32 if I remember right.