View Full Version : Fein Turbo 3

Shayne Jenkins
02-29-2016, 05:37 PM
Do these vacs still exist?? I have two a one has finally stopped working after 9 years. I would love to get a couple more, but I cannot find them anywhere.

02-29-2016, 06:08 PM
See the link:



02-29-2016, 06:27 PM
if it is the motor you can replace the motor for around 150.00 I think you can replace the brushes too.

02-29-2016, 09:12 PM
Looks like the Turbo III has been discontinued -- at least it is no longer on the FEIN.COM web site, and most distributors are listing it as discontinued.

Shayne Jenkins
03-01-2016, 09:49 AM
Well looks like there are a few still out there. Thanks guys

03-01-2016, 11:46 AM
I'm using 1 turbo III and 1 turbo II on my system at the time they had the same specs other than canister size.

03-01-2016, 04:49 PM
One of my Fein motors burned out a few years ago. I replaced it with a Lighthouse motor and it worked great for another 5 years. When that motor failed I just junked it. I got about 13 years use so I don't feel I got cheated.

I use my shopvacs several hours a day in sanding and cleaning operations. Much more then a hobby shop would ever use. So in a hobby shop the motor would probably last much longer. I tend to burn out shopvacs every 5 years of so.

03-01-2016, 09:29 PM
One of my Fein motors burned out a few years ago. I replaced it with a Lighthouse motor and it worked great for another 5 years. When that motor failed I just junked it. I got about 13 years use so I don't feel I got cheated.

I use my shopvacs several hours a day in sanding and cleaning operations. Much more then a hobby shop would ever use. So in a hobby shop the motor would probably last much longer. I tend to burn out shopvacs every 5 years of so.

Next time check out the Rigids, they have lifetime warranty. Mine died this summer, was about 10+ years old, called support, they had me email a few pictures of the motor casing, and within a week they ok'd a replacement and sent me a complete new system.

03-01-2016, 10:21 PM
Next time check out the Rigids, they have lifetime warranty. Mine died this summer, was about 10+ years old, called support, they had me email a few pictures of the motor casing, and within a week they ok'd a replacement and sent me a complete new system.

I might look at Rigid next time.

I tend to go with the Fein's because they are quieter then most other brands. When running for several hours with a ROS going day after day, the reduced noise of the Fein is nice. That's just me.... :D