View Full Version : Automatic Tool Changer - ATC - Whole setup! 5HP HSD Spindle - 1-phase, VFD, Collets

03-16-2016, 09:35 PM
I bought a new PRS Alpha in February with an ATC setup. It is the single phase with the 5HP HSD Spindle. I have never taken the time to setup the ATC. I have been just using it one tool at a time and manually changing the cutting tools. It works very smooth and quietly.

For what I use the SB for the ATC is more technology than I need.
I don't need to automatically change tools. I want to go back to manually changing all the tools. So I am selling the whole ATC setup!
Most people find the ATC very useful, I just don't have the time or need for it.

This whole ATC setup has about 8 hours of very light use.

I'm including everything ShopBot sends you with the kit.

I'm asking $11,995 OBO -$3,000! off

MAKE ME AN OFFER - Willing to deal

Call or text Josh (530)448-4230

The kit cost $14,995 new

SB Link and descriptions


(#12520) Automatic Tool Changer including HSD 5HP 220V Single-Phase Spindle; PRICE $14,995

Powered by an HSD ES915 5hp spindle, the ShopBot automatic tool changer (ATC) is now available for our PRSalpha CNC systems (http://www.shopbottools.com/mProducts/prSalpha.htm). It can also be installed on existing PRSalpha CNCs. The ATC system includes the HSD spindle, a pneumatically assisted Z axis, six-position tool bank, fixed-position Z-zero plate, chuck holder, pneumatically operated dust skirt and ATC interface card. Installation of an ATC on a PRSalpha will not slow the PRSalpha’s jog or cut speeds. ShopBot's new eCabinet/ShopBot link (http://www.shopbotblog.com/index.php/2009/04/cabinet-software-amazing-new-opportunity-for-shopbotters/), which allows ShopBot's to process eCabinet production files, will fully support the use of this new ATC.
Additional tool positions may be added. The 4ft tool can accommodate 8 total tools The 5ft can accommodate 10 and the 6ft can accommodate 12 tools. The PRS108 wide-format can accommodate 9 total. Call for pricing.
The Automatic Tool Changer reduces the time a project must remain on the machine by automatically changing cutting bits between cuts, thus eliminating the need for the CNC operator to change and calibrate tools by hand. The ATC allows the PRSalpha to cut complete projects where different tooling is required to make different types of cuts – like cabinets and furniture – or where different bits are needed for roughing and finishing passes – like signs and complex 3D carvings without stopping to manually change bits. Additionally, a machine equipped with an ATC the can perform operations normally done on other pieces of equipment eliminating the need for additional machines in the shop.

04-05-2016, 01:47 PM
Dropping the price to $10,900.

I am also considering keeping the HSD spindle for myself and just selling the Auto Tool Changer. In that case the sale would include everything the ATC kit includes, except the spindle and VFD.

Without spindle and VFD asking $8000. OBO

Thank you.

04-05-2016, 02:33 PM
Dropping the price to $10,900.

I am also considering keeping the HSD spindle for myself and just selling the Auto Tool Changer. In that case the sale would include everything the ATC kit includes, except the spindle and VFD.

Without spindle and VFD asking $8000. OBO

Thank you.

Hey Josh,

Are you keeping the ATC capable spindle and the associated Driver (VFD)? If so, you may want to check your numbers. I think you are a little low with what you value spindle at. What are people actually getting in that package for 8k?