View Full Version : Issue with V-Carve tool path in Aspire

03-22-2016, 06:07 PM
Hello all,
I am having an issue while trying to run a v carve tool path. I have recreated the file many times and still get the same thing, so instead of getting it again I thought I would post the pic and see if anyone could help.
Notice the edge of the letter, it's cutting the little circle on the edge.
Any ideas?


03-22-2016, 06:07 PM
It will not allow me to upload the crv file so I'm not sure what to do about that.

03-22-2016, 06:25 PM
At first glance, you're running a v-carve toolpath with what looks like an endmill or ballnose. Try using a v-bit and see what it looks like after that and come back for more. You would have to zip the file up to upload it. A screen shot of the toolpath settings will help some too.

Kyle Stapleton
03-22-2016, 07:28 PM
I'm with scott, try it again with a v bit.

03-22-2016, 07:44 PM
The bit I was using was a onsrud 37-50 Double Flute - V Bottom
Designed for V grooving or beveling 90°.
I have also tried a 60° v bit with the same results.

Are those two bits what you would consider ok? I am new to V Carving, so pleas pardon my stupidity.


Kyle Stapleton
03-22-2016, 08:00 PM
The bit is right.
I would go over the tutorials on v carving again, make sure to look at were you are zeroing your z (Matrial setup)along with depth of cut and start depth (tool path tab).

03-22-2016, 08:33 PM
That was a great idea but I couldn't find much on the shopbot site and the aspire site didn't have anything new than what I have already done.
The only thing different is that I did install a new spindle but can not think of anything that would cause this issue.

I guess I will pick up some new bits and try that.

03-22-2016, 11:08 PM
Perhaps the tool geometry is defined wrong in the tool database. I don't see that the point of a v-bit is drawing up to the surface. Looks like it's cutting way too deep too. Where did you set Z zero in the file and where at the machine (material surface or table surface). See if you can zip the file up and post it. Or, just rename the file to .doc and we'll rename it back to .crv.

You could also save/post some screen shots of the toolpath and tool database entry for that tool.

Windows 7 Snipping tool works good and is in Accessories.

03-23-2016, 07:43 AM


Machine was set to zero at the top of material as well as the software.

I changed it as a doc and still can't upload it. Sorry

03-23-2016, 10:23 AM
The only way I can approach your results is to Z-zero below the material surface. Even then, I get the distinctive pointed v bottom.

03-23-2016, 10:45 AM
I can't read the screen shots but the E in the top post looks like either the geometry of the bit is off (either the bit or the software) or the cut is too deep. I can't see a v-groove in the bottom of the cut.

03-23-2016, 11:45 AM
Yeah, the images are way too small to see well. It looks like it's defined right. What does in look like in the preview in VCP/Aspire? If it looks right there, then it's something at the machine. As far as posting your file, get a zip program installed and right click on the file and choose to compress to zip file. I like the free 7-zip program (http://www.7-zip.org/download.html). Or, email it one of us. My email address is in my profile.

03-23-2016, 12:02 PM
Everything looks right.

I think I may have found the issue but not sure of the fix as of yet.
It seems to be losing the Z 0. This would account for it cutting out of the letter I think. The machine would think it's out of the letter but it is actually still in the letter.

The only thing I have done is update to the spindle along with the new springs. Cout the new springs not be strong enough and letting the spindle drop down some as it goes along?

03-23-2016, 12:19 PM
Could be. Is your machine a Standard controller and not an Alpha? Would want to make sure you have the right springs for a spindle. Make sure your ramp settings are right for your machine and that they aren't set too aggressive and causing the Z axis to lose steps when moving/jogging up and down. You could test to see if it is loosing steps by zeroing on a block of material, remove the material and run the file in the air and when it is finished, MZ,0 and see if it has changed. Make sure the motor is adjusted properly on the rack for the Z and that you have no play up and down. Make sure that you are not hitting one of the mechanical stops before you get to the commanded depth and losing steps. Is this the first cuts after putting the spindle on?

03-23-2016, 12:39 PM
Yep, it's a standard with updated control box. The spring I got from ShopBot along with the order of the spindle. Where would I check the ramp settings? I know it's losing it somewhere. After I run the program, it's off. I checked it after the program and it was below the surface.

03-23-2016, 07:17 PM
You can go to VR to see what they are set at. Defaults would be .4, .4, .4, 10.16, .4, .4, .4, 10.16, .2, .2, 100, .15, 65.

Is this the first cuts after changing the control box? Did you load new machine settings according to what it is now?

03-23-2016, 11:51 PM
You should check the Z axis for any binding too. Make sure it moves freely throughout its travel.

03-24-2016, 08:57 AM
The Z axis moves fine. I have had the updated control box on for about a year now. So just updated the spindle.

My values don't look anything like what you said. See attached. You think this could be the issue?


03-24-2016, 10:39 AM
Are you zeroing to the top or to the bottom of your material

03-24-2016, 10:46 AM
Top of the material.

03-24-2016, 11:02 AM
Here is a video of the issue. It's at the end of the video where it is rounding out of the letter.


03-24-2016, 11:02 AM
Hey Will,

The file appears to be fine. Feeds are a bit conservative and RPM's a bit high now that you have a spindle, but you'll work that out in time.

Ramps settings are messed up and that makes me wonder what else may be off. I'd do a UR and reset to what your machine would be called now with the new control box.

Double check those new springs to be sure that they are the stronger ones and that they are both hooked up right. Might want to verify with SBHQ as to whether they sent the right ones for your model.

Email sent with more...

03-24-2016, 11:04 AM
I reset the ramp settings and tried again. The video above is with the new settings.

03-24-2016, 11:15 AM
That doesn't sound right at all. Sounds like you are loosing steps. It's cutting way too deep. Spindle weight could be making it fall as it loses steps.

Z axis unit values could be off as well. Bad driver for the Z? If you just z zero and then move the z to 1" with MZ,1, does it move the proper distance? Try 2" and check again. Move z to 0, does it return to zero or is it off. Try some JZ's also. Some jogs up would make it lose steps and then cut deeper on the next 'in the material' cut.

If you clean out the pockets, are the bottoms at one depth or multiple depths? Is the spindle falling to the point where it is now hitting the bottom mechanical stop?

03-24-2016, 02:48 PM
With a new spindle install I'd suspect that you are hitting the hard stop at the top of the Z axis. What are your "Z-axis Start Position" and "Rapid Z Gaps" settings in the Vectric software? Are they higher than your spindle can go without topping out?

03-24-2016, 03:22 PM
I checked that Bill, it's not hitting the stop. In doing some research and talking to SB, they recommend the stronger motor. I will keep you all posted.

03-31-2016, 09:40 AM
Well all, the stronger motor fixed the Z, it now keeps the 0 all the time. Thank you everyone for your help on this, however now that I have the Z fixed I now have another issue. I am cutting foam and some how it is losing steps on the X. The feed rate is 1.5 with a V-carve flat bottome of .25. Is the feed rate too fast? See attached, any help would again be appreciated. I will get this thing working some day! Soon, I hope.