View Full Version : Missing Start Command - due to tool selection

John Murray
05-11-2016, 09:05 PM
My PRS Alpha is a work horse in my shop. Been running like a champ for years. Today I ran into a problem where the MSGBOX prompts are not coming up and the program begins to run with out the spindle starting. It is related to my tool choice because if I change tools the software runs correctly. I recently rearranged (renamed and renumbered) some tools in the Tool Database. Somewhere I have tossed a wrench in the works.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :confused:

John Murray
05-11-2016, 09:48 PM
Sorry, found my answer in a previous post. It appears that there is a maximum Tool Number of 19 in Z Head. When I changed the number to 19 it worked fine. I will need to rethink my re numbering.

05-12-2016, 04:45 AM
Been there done that…

Here’s the complete list of allowed numbers for anyone else stumbling across this post!

Head 1 (Z) tools are #1...#19
Head 2 (A) tools are #21...#29 (Only used if you have a 2nd Z)
Drill 1 (Z) tools are #31...#39 (Only used if you have an air drill)
Drill 2 (Z) tools are #41...#49 "
Drill 3 (A) tools are #51...#59 "
Drill 4 (A) tools are #61...#69 "