View Full Version : ShopBot on GFCI circuit?

Brad CAD
05-13-2016, 08:19 PM
I just set up my new Desktop and in reading the instructions (unusual for me) I noticed the recommendation to NOT plug the unit into a GFCI circuit. Is there a concern about loosing power, or is there another reason for this? I assume if it is a big issue I can find the outlet upstream and replace the GFCI receptacle. I have never tripped the GFCI or the breaker on the CNC circuit I'm using. What happens if you do loose power mid-cut?

Also, is it a good idea to use a surge suppresser for both the ShopBot and the computer?



Tim Lucas
05-13-2016, 08:45 PM
It is much better if you do NOT loose power during a cut, that is whay they recommend no GFCI - you remove one more chance of loosing power

YES surge protector - in fact I and others use a battery backup for the computers as a brown down ( almost out ) power can cause the software to stop but not the spindle / router

05-14-2016, 10:09 AM
If you keep your ShopBot ...away from... the kitchen sink, garden hoses, beer, water and coffee... you will not need a GFCI.