View Full Version : Emergency Stop Kill Switch Issues

05-25-2016, 01:32 PM
Let's say I'm running a job, and something's not right and I need to stop the ShopBot for whatever reason. If I'm standing at the computer and I hit the spacebar to stop the job, the spindle raises to safe z height and stops spinning. The pop-up message appears on the ShopBot Controller software giving me the option to resume, abort, nudge, etc...All good, right?

Well, if I'm standing at the ShopBot itself, and something's not right and I need to hit the Emergency Stop Button, the kill switch will stop the ShopBot in its tracks, but it fails to raise the spindle to safe z height and the spindle will continue to spin, (no power going to it, but still spinning nonetheless until it comes to a gradual stop, all the while still at the cutting level touching the material.) Also, that current file gets terminated in the ShopBot software with no pop-up message allowing me to resume, abort, nudge, etc. At this point, I have to reset the file, recalibrate z-height, and restart the part file from where it left off by looking at the log file that was created.

So, obviously, something's amiss here. How do I go about getting this issue sorted out? Shouldn't hitting the emergency stop button work exactly the same as hitting the spacebar on the computer?

05-25-2016, 02:53 PM
Let's say I'm running a job, and something's not right and I need to stop the ShopBot for whatever reason. If I'm standing at the computer and I hit the spacebar to stop the job, the spindle raises to safe z height and stops spinning. The pop-up message appears on the ShopBot Controller software giving me the option to resume, abort, nudge, etc...All good, right?

Well, if I'm standing at the ShopBot itself, and something's not right and I need to hit the Emergency Stop Button, the kill switch will stop the ShopBot in its tracks, but it fails to raise the spindle to safe z height and the spindle will continue to spin, (no power going to it, but still spinning nonetheless until it comes to a gradual stop, all the while still at the cutting level touching the material.) Also, that current file gets terminated in the ShopBot software with no pop-up message allowing me to resume, abort, nudge, etc. At this point, I have to reset the file, recalibrate z-height, and restart the part file from where it left off by looking at the log file that was created.

So, obviously, something's amiss here. How do I go about getting this issue sorted out? Shouldn't hitting the emergency stop button work exactly the same as hitting the spacebar on the computer?

The Spacebar is a PAUSE where as the E-Stop is an Emergency Stop which reacts to kill the machine in case of egregious injury or the like. PAUSE and E-Stop have completely different functions.

If you have experience running a CNC, they are much easier to recover. This is because of the drivers they use and the power is only killed to the drives not the encoder. Don't use your E-Stop unless you are about, or have already, created damaged or are at risk of injury.

It sounds like your Shopbot is running as intended :D. For the layman, E-Stop essentially kills the power to your machine. You can expect to lose all positioning along all-axis and the control is meant to shut-down automatically.

05-25-2016, 03:05 PM
Nope, emergency stop is just that, in case of an emergency. If you want similar funcionality to pressing spacebar at your bot, you have a few options:
1. Add a second "wireless" keyboard
2. Use the bumpbar that Shopbot sells in their store
3. If your PC is close enough, you could also use a wired keypad (like: http://amzn.com/B00YEL1PC8) and https://autohotkey.com/ to program each button as you'd like.

05-25-2016, 03:16 PM
Thought AHK was what I've been using, but actually I use this app: http://www.hidmacros.eu/

05-25-2016, 03:27 PM
Yes, I had come to realize that I was incorrect all along. And thanks for the clarification and alternative suggestions, Brady.

05-25-2016, 04:02 PM
I am so used to the enter key when I need an emergency stop I can't hit the button. the enter is not always fast enough but I am pounding it like crazy out of habit. the space bar would be fine if I could hit the silly thing.

05-26-2016, 07:54 AM
Nope, emergency stop is just that, in case of an emergency. If you want similar funcionality to pressing spacebar at your bot, you have a few options:
1. Add a second "wireless" keyboard
2. Use the bumpbar that Shopbot sells in their store
3. If your PC is close enough, you could also use a wired keypad (like: http://amzn.com/B00YEL1PC8) and https://autohotkey.com/ to program each button as you'd like.

greever, if you are interested in the bumpbar, there is a fresh discussion here: http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/showthread.php?22309-Bumpbar

05-26-2016, 08:45 AM
I got the okay from the boss to order a bumpbar, but now after reading the bumpbar thread and seeing the other options, I'm on the fence. I kinda like the wireless CNC remote. That looks pretty cool.
And, shoot, if someone made an up-to-date Android app, that would be perfect. I've played a little bit with app development, and I know a developer, so maybe before I pull the trigger on anything, I'll ask around.
Would anyone else be interested in an Android app?

05-26-2016, 02:17 PM
So, doing some more investigating, I discovered the Android app!
Here it is:

I'm going to play with the free version today...

05-26-2016, 04:59 PM
Yep, that's my app - a few fellow 'botters are using it.

05-31-2016, 08:53 AM
Yep, that's my app - a few fellow 'botters are using it.

Thanks for this, Coogara! My only qualm is I wish I had found it sooner! You should have a stickied thread showcasing the app (your youtube vid), install instuctions, feature requests, etc...

Purchasing your paid version now!