View Full Version : V-bit for cast acrylic?

05-30-2016, 07:56 PM
Hello, I am milling some 1/4" deep v grooves into some clear cast acrylic on my Shopbot PRS Alpha. I have been using an Onsrud 37-82 (60 degree bit) that came with the machine. It is working good, but the tip is chipped and I was going to get a new one. I looked up this bit and it says its for hardwood and plywood. It worked okay for the few tests I did, but now I have a large production to run and I was going to buy a new one. Is there any recommendations for 60degree v-bit specifically designed for cast acrylic or hard plastics? Onsrud does not seem to have any... Thanks!

Kyle Stapleton
05-30-2016, 08:52 PM
We cut a lot of corain which is 100% acrylic, and just switch from cheap v bits to a v bit made by Vortex tools that is made for solid surface and it works fantastic but they cost so coin.

05-31-2016, 09:57 AM
What speed setting are you using those bits and have you used 90 degree bits and 60 degree bits.
Thanks Doug

Kyle Stapleton
05-31-2016, 10:49 AM
We cut at 1.6 ips (xy) .8 ips (z) RPM at about 16000 depth of cut is .0625".
That is with the .25" 90 degree V.