View Full Version : Trying to figure out V-Carve Pro's 17 Post Processors for ShopBot

06-03-2016, 03:26 PM
Whenever I stumble in Fusion I usually switch to V-Carve to see how it should work. Today I'm trying to learn about post processors and how they issue spindle speed commands.

I use V-Carve Pro 7 at the TechShop and have always found it painful to go through the 17 choices of Post Processors for ShopBot.

I've been using the "ShopBot ARC (inch)w/Speed(*.sbp)" without issue on the ShopBot PRSAlpha, Buddy and Desktop.

Does ShopBot write the Post Processors or does Vectric? It seems like V-Carve could do more to ask about your ShopBot model and then output thru a single post processor to make it easier, but then maybe I'm missing something.

I'm curious about the other choices. Can anyone shed any light on the options for:

Head2, Drill Head2?
Tool Changer - that one seems obvious to models with tool changers




Gary Campbell
06-03-2016, 03:46 PM
Over the last few years your wish has been provided. You may now simply use the ShopBot TC Inch postP for all of the above. This assumes that you have one of the v201+ controller cards and use 3.6.++ or 3.8++ software version