08-29-2016, 04:31 PM
I am looking for an owner who would like to cut some wood. We have a wooden display unit that we purchased online and have rolled out to 12 store locations promoting our product. We went back to make an order for more of the display units and the company is sold out indefinitely. The display is cut out of a sheet of 1/2 plywood and fits together like a puzzle. It's very basic, but we have created all of the signage to fit perfectly on the shelves. I am throwing a hail mary but figured I would check and see if anyone near the Tampa/Sarasota area would be interested in probing the pieces, making a file and cutting us a few more units? This will probably turn into a long term deal as we bring on more stores nationwide with our product and could ultimately lead to many thousand units, eventually.
Is anybody here interested? Thanks!
Is anybody here interested? Thanks!