View Full Version : Axis Reverse
I would like to spin the gantry 180' to place the router on the "right" side to give me much better access. Making the [VU] Unit values for the X axis and Y axis NEGITIVE seems to work well. Are there any side effects to doing this?
09-05-2009, 02:34 PM
You may have to re-wire or re-drill for your new limit switch locations. It would also be a good idea to check/adjust the "squareness" of the gantry afterwards.
Thanks! The end plates are already drilled for the new limit switch locations. As for check/adjust the "squareness", without a doubt. Thanks again.
09-06-2009, 12:09 AM
I set mine up that way from the get go. Changing the unit value(s) to negative was all that was needed. For the way I work, that's the best way for me to access my material, fixtures, spindle, tooling, etc. Before the PRS tools were released, that's the way they were and it just made more sense to me. One other thing that may be a problem, is that depending on your table position, you may have to offset the table the other way to allow the router to reach the end of the table on each end. Does that make sense? You could just turn the whole thing around instead of the gantry. ;-)
09-06-2009, 07:31 AM
Let me ask you this. If I make you a file using my setup or you download a preset up file won't all the settings be opposite if you change these?
And wouldn't you have to either change (somehow) the axis designations in your creation software to coincide with the table designations? I don't understand your drawing so maybe i don't get it, but that occurred to me...
09-07-2009, 10:00 AM
No, table 0,0 is still at the lower left corner and X+ is to the right with Y+ away from you.
Yes, all is working fine. Having this configuration allowed me to move the entire machine 6" closer to the shop rear wall (-X) placing the "dead-area" of the table outboard aiding in material feed and additiona work space. All of the CAD/CAM stuff comes out just like before without the need for "reversing" anything else. I wish I wudda dun it like dis 'n the git-go.
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