View Full Version : Machine output file

08-21-2007, 05:02 PM
I got an error when I was executing a Part File in the ShopBot Console software that read "Undefined variable:MY_XINDRILLOFFSET_T1(239250000-&my_XinDrilloffset_T1;0)." In looking through the troubleshooting threads I learned that this is caused by saving a Toolpath as a "Shopbot Drill inch" file and should be saved as a "Shopbot inch arc" file instead. My question is what's the difference between the different Machine output files? What's the difference between the Drill, Head2, inch arc, inch Indexer, ect? There is no information given in the instructions and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Thanks.

08-21-2007, 10:46 PM
If you post to one of these other items the software is trying to run an output you don't have. A second Z is looking for the A stepper, indexer is looking for the B stepper. The drill looks for valves. You have to setup the machine control software for these to work. You will get error messages if you don't setup for it. I'm sure you only have x, y and z steppers wired. Do you have any of these? The 'MY_XINDRILLOFFSET' is a variable name used to tell the software how far along X is the drill.