View Full Version : Windows XP - Anyone Using?

10-12-2016, 08:58 AM
The documentation says the software will run on XP Pro, so I spent the better part of a day getting an old computer wiped and reloaded with XP Pro, removing bloatware and tweaking settings so I'd have a good control computer I wasn't worried about getting dusty and dirty.

I spent another approx 5 hours trying to get the software loaded and running, which never happened. It keeps asking for a slabbus.sys file. After a lot of head scratching I finally found the file in question, it is installed where it should be, but apparantly won't "load"?

Further looking found the yellow USB connection light on the small circuit board at the back left corner of the machine wasn't on, indicating the file in question must have someing to do with the USB connectivity, or something?

I finally got out a Windows 10 laptop, which I dread using for this, and loaded the software with no problem.

Shopbot tech support spent time on the phone with me with no luck, and yesterday I got a breif email stating he was able to recreate the problem on his end but he "currently doesn't have a solution". :(

So anyone running an XP control computer, and if so would you be kind enough to share tips as to how you got it to work?

Thank you!

10-12-2016, 09:59 AM
Walt is running a brand new Desktop with SB3 3.8.42 and VCP8.511

10-12-2016, 08:54 PM
Might be easier to spend a few hundred bucks and pickup a simple system running newer OS.

10-13-2016, 07:57 AM
I bought a couple of used/refurbished Dell PCs from Joe Barrow, a fellow shopbotter and member here. Had them several months before hooking one up but everything went great. He had several at the time, couldn't hurt to check and he may also be able to help with the one you have.

10-13-2016, 12:45 PM
When you say "the software", what specially are we talking about here ?

10-13-2016, 01:54 PM
Did you fully update Win XP? There's a bunch of run-time and .net stuff that needs to be up to date for everything to work right. Going to take a long time to update if you even can anymore. Might be able to find a final update roll-up to service pack 3 somewhere.

10-14-2016, 09:58 AM
It was updated as much as I could, including SP3. I'm thinking even though I have two perfectly good old computers laying here that would be ideal to use, if I could get them to work with it, that it's not worth the time or trouble. Looked at a bunch of refurb computers yesterday and thinking that might be the way to go. I can get something that fits the bill for under $100 and I have plenty of spare keyboards and mice and monitors laying around that I don't need a complete package. Compared specs and they are well above the minums Shopbot recommends and I can still get Windows 7. I despise 10. Thanks for the suggestions but I think that's the way to go at this point.

10-15-2016, 10:11 AM
WaltSharp....where in Virginia are you located?
I am running Windows XP that came with the computer on a 2006 laptop running a 2006 PRT Alpha and i've not had any problems.

10-19-2016, 11:08 AM
WaltSharp....where in Virginia are you located?
I am running Windows XP that came with the computer on a 2006 laptop running a 2006 PRT Alpha and i've not had any problems.

Thanks, sorry, I've been out of sorts for a few days and just saw this. I'm in the Williamsburg area. Needless to say I already ordered a refurb Windows 7 machine that will be here tomorrow. But I'm still up to trying to get the XP machines to work, better than sitting here collecting dust.

10-19-2016, 06:06 PM
I just hooked up an XP computer this weekend exclusively to run a Shopbot PRT alpha. I was unable to install 3.8.42 as it kept giving me errors when installing the USB drivers. However, I found a workaround:

Install 3.6.43 and the USB drivers.
Uninstall 3.6.43 but not the drivers.
Install 3.8.42

This worked for me, your results may vary...