View Full Version : Shopbot will not respond: Input 4 is on

10-22-2016, 04:25 PM
When I tried to cut a part today, my Desktop Max drove into the lower X stop position and started grinding so I stopped it. After that I've had nothing but trouble. At that point I could move the spindle in the y and z axis but either direction in x just caused grinding. Then SB3 lost access to the device and a series a reboots did nothing to solve it. I downloaded the latest SB3 software, was finally able to get the new firmware to install, and then SB3 said input 4 was on, but should normally be off (check the VN command). I don't recall an input 4 before the upgrade. At this point, SB3 recognizes the control board each time, but I can no longer move the spindle along any axis. I ran the Shopbot setup, and the squaring routine, but the squaring routine also won't move the spindle at all.

This is on Windows 10, so I'm wondering if that is part of the problem, however, since getting the Desktop Max I've only ever used Windows 10 and I've not had this problem before.

Any ideas? Do I need to change settings to ignore all the extra inputs I see in the latest SB3 (3.8.42)


10-22-2016, 11:11 PM
Update: I tried downgrading to my initial install of the ShopBot software, but that didn't solve the issue. I then installed the latest version, update the firmware in the control board again and now SB3 keeps telling me that the Tool Stop Button is on. I don't think the Desktop Max has a tool stop button, other than the power switch. If I change settings for switch 4 to normally open, SB3 lets me use the yellow keypad to jog the spindle, but the spindle doesn't move, although the x, y, and z values change. I'm stumped and a bit frustrated that there is so little technical documentation on the Desktop Max. At this point, I can switch the spindle off and on by pressing 1 or running the warmup routine (C5), but nothing else.

Is there any documentation on inputs and outputs for the desktop max? If there is tool stop switch, where is it?


Tim Lucas
10-23-2016, 07:38 AM
Good morning

First - Have you called Shopbot?

it sounds like you had a limit switch problem or you have your cables all neatly coiled up and are getting cross talk

take a deep breath and start with simple stuff - shut down everything - unplug and replug cables - uncoil them - don't turn on dust collector - go back to the version of control that was working - load your saved setup file - but Call Shopbot first, they will call you back

10-23-2016, 11:10 AM
That error message is generally caused by having the wrong configuration file for a MAX, or a corrupted one.

A reset should fix that so in the ShopBot software, type UR or select Utilities Reset from the menu to begin the reset. When you get to the step where you are asked to select the tool that you have, make sure you select the Desktop Max. That should get rid of the error message and get you moving again.


10-23-2016, 12:45 PM
I've tried that and more. I just deinstalled the software and then searched for every instance of the shopbot software I could find and deleted it, reinstalled the latest, reinstalled the firmware. Tried different USB ports. All I can do is turn the spindle on and off using the software. I read in another post that the problem might be caused because the spindle is up against the x proximity switch. However, I can't shift the gantry by hand (with the power off) to test that. After reinstalling everything, switch 4 is set to normally open so I no longer get the Stop button message, but the control keypad just moves the x,y,z values, but not the spindle. I plan to call ShopBot tomorrow. I just needed to finish a project today, so I'm off to do it old school: with a drill and a jigsaw.

Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully I will be back up and running tomorrow.


10-23-2016, 10:14 PM
If you turn off limits under values inputs, can you move off the limits then?

10-23-2016, 11:55 PM
If you turn off limits under values inputs, can you move off the limits then?

No. That was something I tried early, but I went back and tried it again. I've also noticed that the z-axis plate is no longer turning on input 1.


10-24-2016, 05:02 PM
Just a quick update: after going through a number of steps with ShobBot support today, they are sending a new controller board and card for me to try.

12-05-2016, 12:04 PM
And to update this, the new board fixed the problem. With travel and work I had not been able to fully test the machine until yesterday. It flawlessly cut an entire sheet of 12 parts. Replacing the board was easy. I just had to be sure to take pictures so that I could correctly reconnect all of the wires.
