View Full Version : 2017 Online Training

11-29-2016, 04:15 PM
Hello everyone, we hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday season.

Great news for 2017, we are going to start offering more free online training sessions. Many of you are already signed up for the mailing list so you have heard about this, but for the rest here is the scoop.

The months we do not have multiple in-house trainings at our Durham facility we will be hosting two or more online sessions through the internet. These will be viewed using GoToMeeting where there will be approximately a 30 minute scripted lesson and a 30 minute follow up session for everyone to participate in. These will all be recorded and posted for the folks that cannot be there live.

To participate in these and get signed up, you should sign up for our online training list here: http://www.shopbottools.com/mSupport/training.htm (about half way down the page)

The subject matter for all of these sessions is determined by your suggestions. The schedule and topics will be posted before the holiday break in December.

Please feel free to list suggestions for topics, times, days, etc.

Really looking forward to getting this going strong again! It is a great experience to learn more about CNC, talk with other ShopBotters and share each others knowledge.

Thanks, TJ

11-29-2016, 08:49 PM
Jeez Teach, What a loong summer vacation you have:) :)
I'm sure a lot of people will be glad your back!
Maybe the new moulding toolpath applications, or jigging/hold downs again, as last time I looked it was down.
You and yours have a Happy Holiday season:)

11-29-2016, 09:11 PM
The new molding toolpath is definitely on the menu! What a wonderful feature Vectric has incorporated into VCarve Pro!!!

Jeez Teach, What a loong summer vacation you have:) :)
I'm sure a lot of people will be glad your back!
Maybe the new moulding toolpath applications, or jigging/hold downs again, as last time I looked it was down.
You and yours have a Happy Holiday season:)

01-12-2017, 11:36 AM
2nd vote for the Moulding toolpath. Have been trying to work with it and have found some "bugs" which others in the Vectric Beta forum have passed along to Vectric. It's a nice feature for those of us who still don't have a 3D program to do some basic 3D like stuff.

Also would like to see a video of some of the maintenance things as outlined in the maintenance reference. Reading a lot of it leaves me wondering just exactly what and where is being talked about.