View Full Version : Hello Everyone

12-03-2016, 08:34 PM
Well finally bought a desktop. Should be getting out here soon, so look for me to be asking some silly questions. Been studying up as much as I can. Any suggestions from experienced users?

12-03-2016, 09:34 PM
Follow the instructions for startup carefully. I got a Max yesterday. It took me only 3 hrs to uncrate it, set it up and run my first job on it. It all worked flawlessly. I give much credit to Shopbot for having good instructions.

I did have the advantage of upgrading from a Shark Mako, and was already up on using Aspire.

I give Shopbot further kudos for rapid delivery. I ordered the Max late Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. They were closed until Monday, but shipped it Wednesday (the third workday after I ordered it) and I got it two days later.

Today I ran several small jobs without a hitch, and I am very pleased with the machine.

12-03-2016, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the info.. Almost got the max but I think the desktop will hold me over for awhile. That's great you are already up and running and happy with it. I have experience with software so hopefully that part is taking care of..i am looking forward to getting mine

12-04-2016, 09:06 AM
After uncrating my Buddy, i gave the wood to a dog owner who built a dog house for his 200 lb dog.

The desktops were not available when i got my buddy. 99% of what i do could have been done on the desktop.

I was so frustrated within the first 72 hours, but little by little it started to sink in. So now i am a master craftsman............let me correct that, now i am a master rookie because i learn something new everyday.

Welcome aboard.

12-04-2016, 10:48 AM
After I got my unit I had to wrap my head around moving the gantry. I had a hard time thinking in negatives

12-04-2016, 11:32 AM
" I give much credit to Shopbot for having good instructions." The job is made easier when you only have to translate from North Carolinaezze instead of from Chinezze! ;) Made in the USA.

Welcome aboard. Remember there are no stupid questions, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE! I have found that I can ask a question here and get an answer way before by blood pressure goes up!

Last comment remember that here if there are NO PICTURES it really didn't happen! ;)

12-04-2016, 01:58 PM
Thanks Russ...good to know there are some good folks ready to help out, although I kind of already knew that...Made in the USA is definitely the only way to go when you can. I actually work for Thermwood, so Made in the USA is what we are all about. Shopbot has been a good partner with us. Look forward to getting the Shopbot and see what I can do with it...thanks again.

12-05-2016, 09:03 AM
Take your time with the setup, it shouldn't be difficult with the instructions provided. Once you have the bot up and running most of what you will do will depend on the software. Shopbots are delivered with VCarve which is an excellent design and machining tool.
Both Shopbot and Vectric have excellent customer support. I have dealt with both for 10 years and have always been pleased with their support. Both have fine forums, you can learn a lot from joining, reading and asking questions.
Vectric also has a support site http://support.vectric.com/ The Training Materials and the Tips and Tricks have a lot of helpful information.
Start with relatively easy 2-D work, get comfortable with the machine and the software and build your skills gradually. It should be a lot of fun.


12-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Welcome! :)
You'll love it, but make sure before you do your first C3, to type VN in command line, and turn your "limit switches" "ON"...factory used to ship with them "Off" and Nasty Noises happen:)
Perhaps change Z Move speed to .5 IPS until you get comfortable, and maybe do the first 2-3 files as "Air Cuts" so you can see what's actually going on:)

12-07-2016, 10:54 AM
Thans Phil and Scott...Freight just called and they are delivering it here at work just after lunch, so ready to get it going..

12-20-2016, 10:13 PM
Started off nice and simple.. No problems so far other than have a couple thou grooves from flycut tool only on right side X+ on spoilboard and some vibration when z axis goes up with vgoove tool..

12-20-2016, 10:41 PM

first sign .....ehh its a start

12-21-2016, 11:40 AM
what speed do you have your z set at. seems like i remember what appeared to be a vibration when it was set dead slow. but i am old and can be forgetful.

12-21-2016, 05:59 PM
Nice compared to my very first cut, where I topped out Z and my spoilboard rabbet cut headed to China:)
Are all the spoilboard bolts tight? NC humidity might not be the same as yours, and MDF could have shrunk a hair, and you're noticing it on the right side?
There are certain combo's of Move/Jog speeds that set up resonance(my DT cuts noticeably worse at X,Y Move Speed of 1.3IPS, so I never cut at that speed...1.2 and 1.4IPS are fine).
Try moving around the table with your MS at various speeds in X,Y,Z and note down any rougher/noisier speeds and avoid those.
Also, maybe change Z MS to .5IPS for the first month or so until you get used to it? Sometimes a split second can let you hit the Spacebar Pause fast enough to prevent an Aw Sh** moment:)
If all speeds in Z vibrate or are noisy there is a solution and shout out, but maybe it's just that one speed.
Looking good:)

12-22-2016, 04:16 PM
Lowered speeds and definitely better..will test it some more just to be sure...thanks..all bolts are tight..rechecked and flycut again and they are still there..very minimal but noticeable...maybe .003-.004..