View Full Version : Can't run .sbp files created with PW3.2. new offset feature?

06-14-2007, 05:16 PM
I get this error message when I try to run a .sbp file.

Undefined Variable: MY_XINDRILLOFFSET_T1(2.19645-&my_XinDrilloffset_T1; 0)

Is this case sensitive? Am I going to have to manually edit every single sbp file and define this variable, which I'm assuming will be zero if I don't want any offset?

Brady Watson
06-14-2007, 08:49 PM
You will find the variables listed in your post in the following file:


It is most likely that the my_variables.sbc file was either corrupted somehow or you inadvertantly changed something you shouldn't have. Worst case, you re-name that file, and re-install the control software to the latest and greatest. It will put a fresh version in the Custom folder. Then, open the one you re-named and copy over the values for your z-zero plate and proximity switches. The variables you posted have to do with spindle offsets when running more than one Z axis.

It could also be that you are missing the ampersand (&) before the variable name.



06-14-2007, 09:45 PM
There are no T1 variables in that file

'MY_VARIABLES.SBC -- File Containing Common User Defined Variables -- Call at the beginning of any file needing to use them
'Copyright 2005. ShopBot Tools, Inc.
'B.Young 9/05
'User takes responsibility for the effects and outcomes of the use of this program.

&my_hasrunsetup = 1

' this is just personal info that might help tech support at some point
&my_name = "Type your name here"
&my_email = "Type your email address"
&my_phone = "Type your phone number"
&my_purchasedate = "Purchase date"
&my_sbtype = "PRSalpha"

' this is the measurement system that you normally use.
' it uses the same values as the ShopBot system variable...0 for inches, 1 for millimeters
&my_units = 0

' no real need to explain this
&my_tablesizeX = 48
&my_tablesizeY = 48
&my_tablesizeZ = 6

' these values are used in the ZZero routine
&my_hasZzero = 1
&my_ZzeroThickness = 0.121
&my_ZzeroInput = 1
&my_ZzeroSafeZ = 1.0

' if you always want to zero your z-axis in the same place on the table, change these values to
' the coordinates of the point that you want to use
&my_ZzeroStartX = no
&my_ZzeroStartY = no

' these are used by the XYZero program
&my_hasProx = 1
&my_XYzeroSafeZ = 1
&my_XYzeroOffsetX = 0
&my_XYzeroOffsetY = 0

' change this to 1 if you have either multiple cutting heads...2 routers for instance... or a drill head
&my_hasMultiple = 0

' these are used if you have ShopBot drill head(s)
&my_XinDrilloffset_T2 = 6 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and drill head 1 in the X direction here.
&my_XmmDrilloffset_T2 = 152.4 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and drill head 1 in the X direction here.
&my_YinDrilloffset_T2 = 0 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and drill head 1 in the Y direction here.
&my_YmmDrilloffset_T2 = 0 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and drill head 1 in the Y direction here.
&my_XinDrilloffset_T3 = 6 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and drill head 2 in the X direction here.
&my_XmmDrilloffset_T3 = 152.4 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and drill head 2 in the X direction here.
&my_YinDrilloffset_T3 = 0 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and drill head 2 in the Y direction here.
&my_YmmDrilloffset_T3 = 0 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and drill head 2 in the Y direction here.

' these are used if you have multiple cutting heads...maybe 2 routers
&my_XinHead2offset = 6 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and router 2 in the X direction here.
&my_XmmHead2offset = 152.4 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and router 2 in the X direction here.
&my_YinHead2offset = 0 'Input the distance in inches between router 1 and router 2 in the Y direction here.
&my_YmmHead2offset = 0 'Input the distance in millimeters between router 1 and router 2 in the Y direction here.

06-14-2007, 09:54 PM
'&MY_XINDRILLOFFSET_T1' comes from the file you attempted to run and SB3 complain it never heard of it. The post processor write it from the CAM software.
If you open the *.sbp file in a text editor, you should find '&MY_XINDRILLOFFSET_T1'.
Since it's PW, you cannot edit the post but you can change the variable(s) name(s) in 'MY_VARIABLES.SBC' to fit the post output.

Does that help?

06-14-2007, 11:00 PM
I got this error too. But I found that the toolpaths had been saved as drill files not as shopbot (inch). Check the setting when you save your tool paths. Man it created some frustration for a while.


06-14-2007, 11:03 PM
Here's a sample of the text of the file I'm trying to run.


Brady Watson
06-14-2007, 11:26 PM
Expanding on what Ben said, the problem is that you are selecting a post processor for a ShopBot drilling head. When you save toolpaths in PW, hit the dropdown box to say either 'ShopBot Inch' or 'ShopBot_Arcs_Inch'.



06-14-2007, 11:32 PM
thanks, Ben. That sorta fixed it. For some reason it's moving at at least 1000ipm. There goes a $30 bit. This new PRS is fast and rigid.

I'm so pissed right now. This is Day 4 of trouble shooting. And the worst part is that SB is aware of all these issues with the PRS. First it was the power wiring. Then it was getting the correct software going. Then it's the proximity switches. I don't understand why they can't send you an email or give you a phone call or slip a note in with the manual about all this BS that needs to be done differently with the PRS. Instead they send you obsolete software and documentation for the PRT and leave to the wolves.

This new PRS better knock my socks off.

06-15-2007, 12:33 AM
I'm sorry you had so many problems. I have to admit some of the documentation is not accurate to the purchased machine and that the correct software was not shipped. Somehow, I managed not to get too upset that a weekend turned into a long week of patient step by step learning. We work on a lot of balky control systems in the theatre so chasing oddly wired limit switches is pretty par for the course.
We are still learning how to get good cuts and which of the gazillion possible cutters will work best at which chipload, feed rate, ramp and spindle speed. Yes, we too have broken our way through the starter set of bits
But the first set of panels we cut in 2 hours saved 12 man hours of layout and cutting. The bot is in use 2-4 hrs each day now and I'm struggling to keep up with the demand for more drawings.

06-15-2007, 12:41 AM
This is my second bot. I only use it for cutting 1/8" diecast aluminum and my PRT alph 96 was just a hair shy of being powerful enough to be up to the job. I'm certain that what I now know about chip load and feedrate and bit selection, that the PRS will be more than up to the job. Plus the PRT was twice as large as I need and there's no room to spare in the shop. So I sold the PRT that was less than 3 months old at a loss of $5k to buy the PRS.

The reason I'm so frustrated is that I figured there wouldn't be any learning curve this time and no need to redesign all of my preexisting CAD work.

I've got a business to run and instead I'm playing games with this thing.

I understand that they've got hundreds if not thousands of the old CDs burned, but just let me know not to waste my time installing the wrong control software and then find out the hard way that it doesn't work. Send me the PDF with the new wiring schematic before the machine is delivered. Don't let me spend several hours trying to figure it out on my own before throwing in the towel and calling tech support. Let me know that the default file format when saving toolpaths is no longer the correct format.

Brady Watson
06-15-2007, 10:43 AM
"Let me know that the default file format when saving toolpaths is no longer the correct format."

Keith - If you had a drilling head, then that post option would be the correct one!
Whatever software you were using before to create your toolpaths for the PRT can be used for the PRS. ALL existing SBP files that you spent time creating before will also work with no modifications. I don't think that ShopBot can anticipate every little possibility that you might run into when you loaded your new design software. I'm guessing that you work in inches...so you needed to change that on the material screen (the default is mm), and migrate/change your tool database. If the post processor drop-down list defaulted to the drill head, that's something that is in the programming on DelCAM's side of things, and completely out of ShopBot's control. It might be that 'drill head' is alphabetically 1st on the list or some behind the scenes thing that has no rhyme or reason to it. I guess the point is, nobody knows what hardware YOUR tool is running, and ALL of the choices in the dropdown are valid for a ShopBot machine.

If you have previoisly owned a PRT, then you should know that you need to check the latest and greatest software on the downloads page, as things change rapidly. I bet if ShopBot did put a little piece of paper in there telling you to download the latest, that it would either get lost in the packaging trash, inadvertently discarded or just ignored or overlooked anyway. It's not like ShopBot hung you out to dry with NO information...the PRS Assembly manual is available for download and clearly walks you through wiring up the new PRS-style proximity switches & other accessories. As with ANYTHING new on the market, there will be some teething issues and delay on getting the latest and greatest infomation out in PAPER format.

As for the PRS knocking your socks off...you betcha! Put on an extra pair


06-16-2007, 01:59 AM
I actually got the machine to do some work this morning, Brady. So I am in a better mood. It sucks I need to relearn a few things, but I can already tell the PRS is a much more powerful tool.

I guess I was whining a little bit about the default format due to all my other woes. It's been a very stressful week. Here it is...10:58pm and I'm just now getting done for the day. I'm gonna have to work this weekend too to make up for time lost to trouble shooting. But now that I've got my new and improved shopbot back, next week should be a piece of cake.

Brady Watson
06-16-2007, 10:34 AM
I understand how frustrating it can be...believe me! Just when you think you've got the whole 'ShopBot thing' licked, they turn around and make the machine better! The nerve!

I think you're really going to love the PRS. Once you run a PRS, you cringe when you have to do something on a PRT...and wonder why it is taking so long to cut!??!

Now that you have lots of speed and cutting force, you'll want to concentrate on holding stuff down.

Have fun!

06-17-2007, 10:09 AM
Kieth, I am just installing my first machine and have had some of the same frustrations. The PRS was shipped with the wrong software and the some of documentation is out of date.

Its crazy that 2 hours of work at shopbot could have saved me 5 to 10 hours of frustration. That's just little old me.

The documentation is the only disappointment.
Everything else has been great. So far I think I made the right decision to purchase a shopbot!

06-18-2007, 01:12 PM
I don't know of anything that comes close to the value you get with a shopbot, so on the whole, the wasted man hours and frustration are still worth it.

06-26-2007, 06:21 PM
OK, speaking of selecting the correct postprocessor, here is the problem I am having today. Maybe someone will recognize it and give me some hints how to fix it.

I just installed PartWizard 3.2. (I finally upgraded from 1.020!)

After creating a part (in metric), then a profile toolpath, I attempt to save the toolpath. However, there is no entry for Shopbot mm. I am used to seeing an entry for Shopbot_Router_mm and Shopbot_Router_Inch. I found a lot of new entries, including the ones for the air drill and something named Head2 (sp?). But, nothing for metric.

I looked in the directory for PartWizard3.2, and found a directory with a lot of postprocessors in there. There does appear to be one with "mm" in the name that looks like it should work, but it does not show up in the drop down menu selection for machine types.

Any clues?

06-29-2007, 12:17 AM
Is going from PW2 to PW 3.2 a free down load ?? I could not find it anywhere..Thanks Bryan