View Full Version : Trying to get up and running again after making the switch to Fusion 360

01-08-2017, 12:01 AM
I've just made the switch to Fusion 360 and I'm having a couple issues. First, I discovered I had to insert the "SO,1,1" into the G Code to get my spindle to turn on. I'm not sure if there is more I should do. That seems to get the toolpath up and running but I have yet to successfully complete a toolpath. After I figured how to start the spindle my toolpath was running fine but suddenly stopped in the middle of a routine. I was walking past the shopbot when it happened so i didn't get to see what precisely happened on the screen the moment it stopped working. When I looked at the computer screen after the machine had stopped (the spindle fan was still on) the main control panel for the shopbot app had shut down and the computer was frozen. I had to do a hard reboot of my laptop. When I finally got the Shopbot Editor back up and running I was able to start the spindle again but after a couple seconds of running a window appeared saying "Make sure all the cables are in place and the control box is ON." Any help is greatly appreciated. I know in the past I've sometimes had to reinstall firmware or some such thing.2950629507

01-08-2017, 03:37 AM
A little more information...Still trying to figure out what the main issues are here. I seem to have the machine up and running again after deleting the spindle folder as recommended in this post:


I also reset the machine defaults

These two measures have seemed to solve a host of ills in the past and they have not failed me now. Still, I have noticed that certain people have commented that "fat fingers" can be the culprit on some of this stuff and I'm wondering if my revisions to the fusion post processor g-code were erroneous. Could someone give me some guidance on how to alter fusion 360 G-code to work with the shopbot. I thought I read a post on this previously but I can't seem to find it now.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
