View Full Version : Jog speed: Adjusting: How To?
01-12-2017, 07:55 AM
We are setting our xy starting point in the center of our projects.
We need to adjust the jog speed down to 0.1 increments (or less) to center the cutter directly in the center.
It jogs too fast.
Where/how do we slow the jog speed?
01-12-2017, 08:10 AM
I'm on my laptop(not hooked to machine), but are you in "Easy" mode?
If so, press the question mark in pic, and you can swipe and change Move/Jog speeds.
BUT easier to press K (eypad) and go down to "fixed" and press and enter the distance you want each press of the arrows to move it.
Then you can manually use arrows to get close, then enter "Fixed" mode to exactly Zero it in on your mark.
Hope that makes sense, first sip of first cup and insufficiently caffeinated:)
Get used to using Full mode, lots more tools/options.
01-12-2017, 08:24 AM
Thanks, Scott. (Nice to meet you)
In all honesty, I have not read the MANUAL. Just set up the new desktop yesterday.
We've been cutting for two years with a ShapeOKO3. It was time to get another machine up and running.
I need to wrap my brain around the Shopbot as fast as possible.
On my second cup this morning.
Thank you.
Full mode... Ok, will do!
01-12-2017, 08:44 AM
Congrats on the Desktop!
Positive you'll be happy with it. At least you have some CNC experience which is a giant step up from how I started.
Try watching TJ's tutorial on "Shopbot control software basics" on this page;
Also TJ said last month that the on-line classes(free) will start again this month hopefully.
Have you managed to do a C3 and C2? Most Desktops used to be shipped with the limit switches turned off for some reason which rudely introduced to the sound of a "Hard Stop".
01-12-2017, 09:37 AM
I don't have the Shopbot lingo down at this point. Will have to look up what C3 & C2 are.
I will look that up. I promise.
(here's a link to our woodshop stuff ((If that's permissible here)) )
01-12-2017, 11:53 AM
Lol, some of the stuff you have to sort of hunt for. I still don't know what some of the shortcuts are. There are a lot listed here though 2003.pdf
For some reason they didn't put the C# ones on there. C3 is X,Y zero. C2 is Z zero.
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