View Full Version : Zeroing my bit on a peice of stock

01-17-2017, 10:34 AM
Hi all, I tried to use the search engine but didnt come up with anything. I am just wondering about zeroing my X, Y,and Z.

The piece of stock I am cutting is placed in a Jig in the center of the board so I cant move it, so I have been using the manual operation to bring the drill bit into the zeroed position and then setting them.

MY question is where do I want the drill bit to be located compared to the zero on the stock? I am running a cut that I thought I has zeroed perfectly and it seems a bit off.

I zero by putting a small dot on the stock and then placing the center bottom of the drill bit directly on it, is there something wrong with this way of doing it?

Thanks in advance


Gary Campbell
01-17-2017, 10:45 AM
Does the dot that you placed match EXACTLY the XY zero position in the design software?

01-17-2017, 11:43 AM
Does the dot that you placed match EXACTLY the XY zero position in the design software?

Yeah, its right on the edge of the stock 25mm in which corresponds perfectly to my toolpaths in the CAM.

I am wondering if I was just a bit off on my X Zero due to me not having the bit rotated to where I could see the whole diameter when I Zeroed.

01-18-2017, 09:15 AM
You could try a v-bit to zero X and Y, then change to the bit needed to cut the job. If job is already done and needs to be saved, and size of job doesn't matter, you could cut off the end and side that would put the project back to center.

Joe Porter
01-18-2017, 02:56 PM
After you moved to the spot you wanted in your material, did you reset the X,Y, and Z to zero? You have to do this for every job unless you are using a jig that properly locates your work piece (I think that is what you are doing) and you haven't shut off the machine. I hope I am of some help...joe