View Full Version : cutting then reset hit

01-19-2017, 04:38 PM
So my bot was on its 2nd hour of cutting tiny parts and a piece got caught in the x axis which caused the bot to lose track of where it was.
I had to re zero x and y but now I cant pickup where it left off because zero is not in the same spot. Any ideas on what to do to save the sheet and not have to start over?

Alan m
01-19-2017, 05:34 PM
can you tell where the old 0 0 was on the drawing. if so use some of the cut detail to measue from and offset 0 0 to its original o o

01-19-2017, 09:19 PM
Can you copy the file to another folder, eliminate the ones already cut, and then recalculate?
I'm assuming you can do a C3 and get going again....if offset, the I hope you wrote the # down, or dedicated a radio button for the offset.

01-19-2017, 11:32 PM
Scott and Alan.....I understand what you are saying, but the issue is this....a 4' x 8' sheet of material with 40 individual parts. Everything was cutting beautifully then a cord from the router fell onto the y axis. As the y axis attempted to move as it was supposed to the electrical cord prevented it from moving and jammed up the machine for a second. the router bit moved sharply left as the axis tried to move the cord out of the way. I stopped the machine and the "reset button" was flashing. After the reset was hit, all locations were lost. My issue is that I have 40 parts that need to have a profile cut around each one and my x and y are no longer accurate. I did leave the machine on as well as the computer. I didn't write anything down as far as where everything started.

01-20-2017, 12:08 AM
Ok....here's what I ended up doing. Sometimes it seems I make a process so much harder than it really has to be. I eyeballed where I normally set x and y axis and it worked perfectly. Took 3 tries to get it close but 3rd time was a charm! Thanks guys!