View Full Version : Woodworkers CNC Training Seminar

Gary Campbell
02-08-2017, 06:50 PM
Vondriska Woodworking School and CNC Seminars are proud to announce a 3 day Seminar that focuses on implementing a CNC machine into the woodworking environment. Seminar dates are Thursday March 30th thru Saturday April 1, 2017. Vondriska Woodworks is located at 600 Davis St. Hammond, WI

Woodworkers Teaching Woodworkers

This CNC Training session will focus on 2D & 2.5D aspects of Vectric software titles Cut 2D, VCarve Pro and Aspire by offering a comprehensive step by step in-depth explanation of nearly each and every icon from the Drawing and Toolpath tabs. Numerous tips and out of the box solutions are provided that simplifies many CNC woodworking operations.

Instructors George Vondriska and Gary Campbell offer over 60 years combined woodworking experience, with nearly 15 of them in CNC equipped shops.

Note: There will be no Aspire 3D modeling taught at this class. The 2D and 2.5D design tools are a prerequisite for all Aspire classes.

This 3 day class is designed to bring new users an increased knowledge and confidence for their CNC journey while at the same time providing techniques and methodology experienced users can use to improve their CNC woodworking skill set.

This Seminar’s approach is to offer a live interactive meeting where your problems are addressed, usually with multiple solutions that allow you to achieve the results you desire. Material from basic to advanced is provided for both Vectric design and machine operation.

Attendees are asked to bring a licensed copy of Vectric software on a laptop to allow them to follow along with the lesson and to provide instructors with files that have been problematic to them.

This class also offers a unique opportunity to view operation of multiple brands of desktop and table top sized machines. Along with cutting operations, various methods of material hold down will be demonstrated on each. Attendees are asked to bring problematic files or operations to be answered on the 3rd day of the class, which is a 100% user driven agenda.

Class Schedule:
1 ˝ hour sessions with ˝ hour networking (or 1 hour lunch) in between
8:30 -10:00, 10:30-12:00 1:00-2:30, 3:00-4:30

Thursday Morning:
Vectric 2D & 2.5D Vector Design and Import. This session covers all of the File Operation, 2D View Control, Create Vectors and Text tools using a step by step approach. Each and every option available in these creation tools are explained in depth.

The second session covers the Transform, Edit and Align Objects tools. Options, tips and techniques for each are covered, with extra attention being paid to Node Editing and developing parts with shapes instead of line segments.

Thursday Afternoon:
The afternoon session finishes up with the Offset and Layout Tools, then progresses into Material Setup and Toolpath operations. Again, this is an icon by icon, in depth look at all but the most advanced toolpath operations.
The Afternoon finishes up with Toolpath Editing tools and proper file save and transfer procedures, along with a review of covered materials, user questions and examples.

Friday Morning:
CNC Basics. This 3 hour class explains many of the day to day items you will run across in your CNC journey in an understandable way. Bits and the differences between them, chipload, feeds and speeds and how to get them correct for your machine and material and numerous hold down methods are shown. The morning finishes up with user selection of short titles that are of interest to them.

Friday Afternoon:
Implementing CNC into Your Woodshop. (George Vondriska) In this session George explains the benefits and difficulties of a woodworker and instructor with decades of experience as he implements a CNC machine into his woodshop. Numerous first hand experiences are explained that will be of great value to all.

The last session of the day has George showing his methods and techniques for hold down and jigs and how CNC has changed them for him.
Users are requested to fill out their requests for Saturday’s Agenda.

Saturday Morning:
User Requests: Gary and George use a “tag team” approach to instruct users how to solve problems that attendees have requested. Multiple solutions are usually given for each. These requests are prioritized by popularity. Machine demos featuring feeds and speeds, and cut strategies, chipload and hold down options are planned.

Saturday Afternoon:
A continuation of the morning user driven session, wrapping up around 3:00 PM.

Attendee Quotes from previous Seminars:

“This was an excellent course for any Vectric user. I would encourage any Vectric user who wants to increase their knowledge of CNC's and the software to attend one of these anytime you can. It's also a great opportunity to network with other users who have various degrees of experience and expertise.”

“The course was terrific! I came with three very specific questions and [the Instructors] answered them fully. I should add that there was as much I learned that I did not know I needed, but now I have the information. I would encourage anyone to attend these seminars with [these Instructors]. You will leave fully satisfied!”

To Register Click here: http://cncseminars.com/

Vondriska Woodworking Website: http://www.vondriskawoodworks.com/home.html

Gary Campbell
02-10-2017, 12:41 PM
I've had a number of emails regarding the machines at this upcoming Training. There are 2 ShopBots, a Desktop and a Desktop Max plus two other brands. Hopefully this helps.

Gary Campbell
02-21-2017, 09:45 AM
There are only 3 seats left for this Seminar.

Check the website: www.cncseminars.com (http://www.cncseminars.com) for upcoming Seminars.

We will be offering Basic and Advanced 2D and 2.5D Training featuring Cut2D and VCarve Pro, Basic and Advanced 3D featuring Aspire, along with machine operation at various locations across the country.

Gary Campbell
02-21-2017, 10:34 PM
The MN/WI CNC Seminar in Hammond, WI has sold out. We would like to
thank all that have registered and we look forward to meeting with you in a few

There will be more of these events in the future. Please visit our website:
www.cncseminars.com (http://www.cncseminars.com/) and register to be
notified of future events.