View Full Version : Z-Zero Problems
06-29-2007, 03:09 PM
I am setting up a PRT Alpha that I bougnt used. Everything is working great except for the Zero plate. Everything tests fine, I lift the plate up by hand and the #1 green input light comes on. As soon as I run the Z-Zero program, C2, and push OK, it want to drive Z through the table. Green light comes on and everything. I've been through the book and it seems if the light is comming on everthing should work. Am I missing something?
Thanks, Terry
My first guess, from what you wrote above, is that the Z plate is not connected to the monitored input in the C2 call up routine.
Can you trace the exact routine it use with the C2 and can you make sure the Z plate is connected to the monitored input channel? Say C2 is using the default Zzero routine when you install SB3 (so it's monitoring for input 1) and your Z plate is connected to input 2; the plate make contact but the routine will not have SB3 react as intend as it's not triggering the right input.
Does that make sense and does it help?
Tip; if you want to check a such routine as Zzero or digitizer, hold the target in your hand a few inches above hard surface... and keep keyboard space bar handy!
Hmmm... I may have missed something; does it have any kind of reaction when it hit the Z plate (either at the first plunge or the second)?... or does it simply want to drive through the Z plate as it was hitting anything?
06-29-2007, 10:05 PM
I'm not sure I'm following you. The green light comes on input #1 when I lift the plate to the bit. I was thinking of raising Z as high as I can and then hold the plate under it and see what happens. So, are you saying make sure that C2 is reading input #1? I watched this machine run for a day before I bought it and it worked fine. As far as your second post, it only does one plunge and it goes hard and wants to go right through the plate. I'll keep trying!
Thanks, Terry
Keep in mind that it's a bit of a problem for me to help over the Internet; I'd rather be aside you in front of the tool. That being said, let's move on...
When you test the Z plate, it trigger input #1 as it flash input #1 on the DRO. That part is working fine.
When you hit C2, a file, often refer as a routine, is call up. 'C#' are custom cut file; file that you are likely to use often. The question that bring is what file is it calling? From that point, you'll know what file to study. The previous owner may have been using a routine he programed to suit is particular need. SB provide a default Zzero routine when you install SB3 (controller software). This is the routine I'm guessing you're trying to use. The default routine is using a variable input number and it is set from the 'myvariables.sbc' file.
I'm using my own Z zeroing routine so I have to study something I'm not 100% you have... based on what I can see ( = default installed Z zeroing routine), the input is based on a setting in the 'my_variables.sbc' file which is all the default setting or the ones you have configured using the ShopBot setup utility. The default input for the Zzero is #1 but yours may be different.
-look in the 'C:\SbParts\Custom\' folder for 'Custom2.sbc' file and open it (text editor). There should be a line with something like'FP, c:\SbParts\...'. What is the file that called up. By default it's 'FP, c:\SbParts\Zzero.sbp'. Correct?
-Assuming the previous is correct (default), open 'C:\SbParts\Custom\my_variables.sbc' (text editor) and look for a line with '&my_ZzeroInput = '. What's the number after the '='? That should tell you what input 'Zzero.sbp' (Z zeroing routine) is using.
-If the previous doesn't apply, still look for what file is called up by 'C2' and once you reach the file and opened it, look for
'This is our subroutine for action on hitting the plate the first time
The number following the 'ON INPUT' will tell you what input it's using to monitor the Z plate trigger.
I hope this will help you... at least, you may have learned something new...
What I feel is happening is that the Z plate is wired correctly but the Z zeroing routine it's using is not checking for the correct input #...
Let us know how it goes... maybe someone more knowledge about the situation will chime in.
06-30-2007, 01:20 AM
Try running the ShopBot Setup under Tools and set the switch input to #1 for your z-zero.
06-30-2007, 08:20 AM
I run a twin z setup and under versions before 3.53 never had a problem z zeroing either z, now in version 3.53 I often get a z crash first time with one of my z's and rarely first time with the other you my green switch light always indicates a good contact, even when a z crashes. Also the second attempt at zeroing always works. I have reported this via mail to Frank at shopbot...pass on your comments as well to help him build up a head of steam to fix the problem.
Try running an earlier version of the software and see if this gives you a fix
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