View Full Version : Keeping sizes consistant

08-28-2007, 03:09 PM
O.K., I don't know where to go with this, so, here's my situation;

The first step in my design process begins in CorelDraw 13. I create a greyscale of what I need, at 100% the size I need. I export it as a .jpg at 50% (100% would eat up too much memory) I bring this into ArtCAM, set my depth, hit open, and set my size back to full size. (We will use 12" as, it's what I deal with the most.) I use the greyscale to make my machine relief toolpaths. I create all my square and round shapes in ArtCAM that are my outline cuts. I make 12" square or 12" diameter profiling toolpaths. Everything looks faaabulouse and matches up well. Easy Peasy, right??

Well, when I send it out to the ShopBot, usually the piece comes out 12" spot on. (I am cutting HD foam w/ a 1/8" single flute ball-nose bit using a .008" stepover and a .10" plunge. I cut it at 150"/min, cut direction is conventional on the profiling passes)

But sometimes, it's not 12", it's 11 3/4" or it's 11 7/8", or something in between those. It's never ~bigger~ than 12", and it's the same proportionatly.... Otherwise, the piece looks beautiful, smooth surface, everything where it's supposed to be, a nice looking bit of work.

Also, I make all my files using the excact same measurments. Very consistant. Everything looks like it is being interpreted by the ShopBot correctly, and all together.

I've even gone back and checked my file, and it says 12",...

So, what do I check into now? Is it an export issue? Is it an ArtCAM issue? ShopBot???

Anyone got any ideas?


08-28-2007, 04:08 PM
Does the same file cut the same wrong size always?

In Artcam, select the entire job and then click the transform Icon. This will show the size AC "thinks" the project is. If the size is correct, the import process is not at fault.

Check the max and min of the X and Y in the .sbp file. I would do this by importing the file into Excel using a coma delimiter. I expect the right editor may do the same thing. If this is a raster cut project using a 1/8 bit max and min should be within 1/16 of 0 and 12. If not it's either an operator toolpath selection issue or an Artcam bug.

If the above items are OK, it's either mechanical, or a bug in your version of the SB code. Unless you selected a scaling other than 1 when you ran the file.

08-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Hey Jim and Cheri,

Whenever you run a part file, the Maximum and Minimum values for X, Y, and Z axis are shown at the very bottom of the green Command screen. They are also written into the .log file that's written for each file, unless you've turned the "write log file" option off in the VD menu.

