View Full Version : Newb with a few questions....

05-05-2017, 03:03 PM
Good day all.
I am a newb using prs standard. Before I hurt something or get too far over my head I have a few questions I'd appreciate some feedback on. I'm trying to figure out what is normal mechanics of the machine and/or what I may be doing wrong and ways to correct my errors...

1. As I 'zero using proximity switches', the gantry seems to hit the stops with a 'clunk' before it zeros on the xy axis. Is this normal? Proxy lights are on and seem to work fine otherwise.
2. When I manually move the gantry xyz it does not stop at the proxy switches. It hits the stops with force and ratchets the motor gears... I have to hit the E-stop or space bar in a panic. Add to that...
3. It takes a few seconds before the e-stop/space bar stops the movement...

What is the best procedure to set a series of zero points for multiple cuts using the same tool and z axis? For example, I have several 1" x 4" x 4' boards on the table, each having common cuts. As one board is finished being cut I'd like the machine to automatically go to the next starting point on the next board. As that one is being cut I can change out the last board for a new one so to start the process over again once the previous board cuts have been made......

If there is a better way to address this forum with my questions please inform, thanks.

Chuck Keysor
05-06-2017, 02:29 PM
Welcome Djed.

Hmmm, my old PRT alpha goes "clunk" when I am zeroing it, so that may not be an issue for you. But your 2nd point sounds like a problem. My proximity switches always save me from hitting the end stops. But I am too light-weight of a user to tell you what is wrong.

But posting as you have, should be able to get some attention,,,,, though I would suggest a more detailed headline may be of help........... Newb with questions could be anything. And often such queries are superfluous. A headline like "Possible proximity switch problem" may help get someone's attention. And you can search for old posts that ask about proximity switch problems.

Good luck, Chuck

Joe Porter
05-06-2017, 03:31 PM
I think the "clunk" is the proximity sws. stopping the geared stepper motors abruptly. I was a newb also a while ago and I was doing the same as you and heard that clunk and assumed something was wrong and haven't used the proximity sws. since. When you are moving manually, do you use the M (move) commands or the keyboard arrow keys? I would stay away from the M commands and just move with the arrow keys by hand and keep a close eye on where I am going and not run into anything. As far as changing out a board while the machine is running, I would advise against it. Plan to make your material changes while everything is (router) is off is my advise....Good luck with your new machine and as time goes by, things will start to fall into place...joe