View Full Version : Axis is jerky, noisey and loses it's place

04-18-2008, 09:38 AM
I have a benchtop PRT from about 5 years ago, recently after it sat for a few months unused I went to use it and the y axis started acting up. It is very jerky, loses an inch or so each run and is really not sounding right. I took the motor off and slid the gantry around and it seems fine, I also ran the motor while it wasn't in contact with anything and it seemed fine. So any ideas? I'm guessing the teeth may be worn, but it really hasn't had a ton of use over the years. I'm also wondering about how tight I should (or shouldn't) have the tension spring set. Any help would be great, Thanks

Brady Watson
04-19-2008, 03:34 AM
Most likely the Y motor driver is shot. Try plugging Y motor into the Accessory driver and setup the Y axis to work under channel #4 in software. You can do this via the VI command.


04-19-2008, 12:57 PM
Lets see, jerky, noisey, loses position a lot,, er, this sounds a lot like one of my relatives after a few beers..........

Brady Watson
04-19-2008, 06:40 PM