View Full Version : C5 Spindle Warmup Shutting Down Early

08-18-2017, 05:00 PM
Doing a C5 as per normal, yesterday it stopped at 8:04, today it stopped at 6:29. It typically runs to just over 9 minutes. Nothing has changed in the last few days since this has started. Ideas?

Gary Campbell
08-18-2017, 05:26 PM
What stops? The spindle stops running or the computer stops responding? Have you checked the log file?

08-19-2017, 03:15 PM
The C5 timer stops, the spindle stops, the computer is still responding, the spindle is still powered on, everything looks and acts perfectly normal except for the fact that it doesn't run for the full 9 minutes. After it stops I can go on and select a file to cut and it does that fine...so far.

I have not looked at the logs, I am heading out there now to see what it does today.

08-19-2017, 04:43 PM
I have had the SB supplied routine fall through and stop prematurely in the past. It could possibly have something to do with USB issues or just the code not staying in play during the long programmed PAUSE, not sure. I run a custom one and I don't recall that one failing early.

08-19-2017, 07:07 PM
Loose connection Walt?
Sawdust in connection?
Had similar with a failing keyboard/mouse, but I also had intermittent stop/hits, and sometimes a C3 routine would give just enough vibration to cause a grinding noise for a split second.
Are cut routines affected at all?
Can't remember if you use keyboard/mouse/tower...maybe blow out computer and connections anyways?
Packet ET less than 20?
If you have say a VCP file pulled up full screen, does SB3 pop-up when you get the early shutdown?

There's always a complete unplugging, and a UR:)

Sorry not more help.
Another scott:)

08-20-2017, 09:40 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

1. I looked at the "Problem" log file yesterday, that's the only thing I could find. Didn't do anything for me. I saved it and have to retrieve it and I will post it here to see if anyone sees anything.

2. Scott The routine doesn't quit at a "Pause" spot though, it just randomly quit in the middle of the third leg.

3. Scott P, check connections, vacuum out dust on a regular basis.

4. Before doing anything else yesterday, I ran a C5 and it ran to the end no problems. Note - I forgot to remove the USB drive before running the routine, which I generally remember to do. Although I had removed the USB drive the prior 2 times when it failed early.

5. Scott P I don't have VCP open. Only thing open is SB3.

6. I had thought "maybe" I might have bumped the mouse causing it to stop, but in that case I would have gotten the popup asking if I wanted to quit or continue. Both times it just stopped, just like it doesn when it comes to the end of the routine normally.

7. Cut routines have run fine. Only the C5 routine has quit early.

8. The machine is haunted.

Gary Campbell
08-20-2017, 11:45 AM
RE: your #....
1) Someone with knowledge will have to look this over. Your system may not have "logging" toggled on.

2) Since this file is almost in "PAUSE" actions, ie. Pause 180 (for 3 minutes) it most certainly does happen during a "pause"

3) Any chance you used the vacuum during the file?

4) Leaving the USB stick in in many cases will produce no "evil", with some computers it causes problems. Removing the USB stick DURING a file run will almost always cause "evil"

6) "I had thought "maybe" I might have bumped the mouse causing it to stop, but in that case I would have gotten the popup asking if I wanted to quit or continue" This is not always the case, it can happen

8) Not very likely, but it is possible that you have a computer glitch, that in some cases has only been cured by replacement. Some just don't work. There may also be a user operation, like using a shopvac on the table, that seems so innocuous that it escapes your thoughts that could be causing the issue.

08-20-2017, 12:41 PM
Thanks Gary!

1. I couldn't find anything regarding "logs, logging" etc. There is a menu for "recording" but I have not ever messed with that. I looked through the whole user manual and there is nothing about logs except a reference to the "problem" file which i located and saved before I ran anything again.

2. Yes, that's correct. Wasn't thinking that way.

3. no, no vacuum use during the C5.

4. Did not remove the stick during the C5. Pretty positive it was removed beforehand for those 2 incidents.

6. Ok, thanks, didn't know that. I'm pretty certain I didn't bump the mouse though. I usually do other things away from the SB table while C5 is running. But anything is possible. But bumping it accidently twice in a row when it's never happened before is kind of out there.

8. Bought the computer specifically for this purpose a year ago. Windows 7, no internet connection while in use (only really have it available to update software anyway), no other programs in use, sleep, screensavers, etc turned off. It's been working just fine for a year. Could have been a glitch. Was hoping someone else might have had it happen and say "oh, do this..."

8. Nothing else in use at the time. The SB is plugged into its own outlet. The only other things I really have in the shop are a miter saw and a shopvac, and they were'nt being used.

Maybe it won't happen again. I'll try to post the "problem" file in a little bit.

08-20-2017, 01:48 PM
Since I don't see a way to post anything but an image, below is the contents of the "problem" file. It's all jibberish to me.

'ShopBot Configuration Version 3.8.42 --- 08-18-2017 17:52:54
' Copyright 1997-2016 ShopBot Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
VD, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, .01, 0, 1, 1, -2618, -7500, 8800, 4600, 0, 0, 0
VU, 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000, 0.05, , , 0.25, 33.33333, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
VA, 10.2607, 12.3350, 3.1695, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000, .0000
SO, 4,-1
VS, 2, 0.5, 1, 50, 4, 2, 3, 100
VR, .4, .4, .4, 10, .4, .4, .4, 10, .15, .15, 100, .15, 65, .2, 1.75, .2, .250
SW, 2, ,
VL, -1, 24.5, -.5, 18.5, -3.0, 8.0, -3.0, 8.0, 0, -500, 500, 5
VP, 6, 24, 18, 5, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1
VC, .25, , , .5, 0, 10, , 0, , , Z, 6
VB, .1, 4.0, 1.0, .5, , 0,
VI, 4, 0, 0, 0, X, Y, Z, A, 5, B, 1
VN, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
VH, 0, .25, 0, 0, 5.4, 3, 0
FS, C:\Users\ShopBot\Desktop\The Nelsons\, , c:\SbParts\Custom\
UN, SbEdit.exe

ShopBot Diagnostic Information Version : 3.8.42
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Windows OS = 2, 6.01 Resolution = 1280 X 1024
Total Memory = 8,454,926,336
Starting Memory = 6,863,020,032
Available Memory 6,000,259,072
maxFileLines = 10000000 maxStack = 300000( 200000)
586 386531334

Control Box Firmware Version = 222 SerNum. PRSD092716I2S?106661??? XXXXXX 212SDTDt stock 131
Port Number - 4 Speed - 5: 0
Starting Command Line -
Sound = 0 SCreenSaver = 0

Size - 32 32 32
CBtype - 16177 BoardVer - SDT CardVer - 212 RouterType - S
ID - Dt stock 131
uC Masks - 63-63-63-32

Supply VDC = 4.96
Controller Core Temp (C) = 44.7

Last Stack Size 0 1
Last Steps Transmitted 8297
Last Steps Confirmed 8297
Data Over-Runs 0
Buffer Underflow Last Stack 0
Buffer Underflow Total 0
Controller Loc -
41043 49340 12678 0 0 0 343153

q_Freq- 292.2(hz) Static_ET 4.1(ms) Packet_ET- 45.6(ms)

'Recorded Commands ----------------------------

CN, 2

FP, V-Carve WW 1-8 45.sbp, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -0.00, 0, 0, 1, 1
'Recorded Commands ----------------------------

08-23-2017, 07:36 AM
There is a C5 timer?? I get that is pauses for 180 at each speed (unless you have Gary's custom command routine set up).... but I don't think my big machine has ever shown me a run time for the C5 command- and I have wanted one. Going to have to go look at newer versions, I guess!

08-23-2017, 10:11 AM
There is a C5 timer?? I get that is pauses for 180 at each speed (unless you have Gary's custom command routine set up).... but I don't think my big machine has ever shown me a run time for the C5 command- and I have wanted one. Going to have to go look at newer versions, I guess!

Don't know what control version you have, but on mine it's in the bottom right corner of the bigger window, the one with the menus and box you can type commands into, not the "Easy" window. It says "Elapsed: X:XX" if I remember correctly.