View Full Version : Desktop Porter Cable Router Won't Turn On

Brett Whitman
09-03-2017, 08:15 PM
The relay clicks on, the router starts to spin, the relay clicks off. Total time between its trying to start and giving up is less than one second.

If I turn off the key, the relay does nothing. If I turn off the power at the router using Porter Cable's switch, the relay kicks on, then kicks off.

I can't find any loose or broken wires. Everything else is working fine.

Before I started today, I pulled the router away from the wall, removed the back cover and blew the dust out (weekly maintenance); possible case of best intentions gone wrong.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Tim Lucas
09-03-2017, 11:06 PM
Try plugging the router directly to wall and see if router works ok, if so power down system and check connections at relay

09-07-2017, 04:29 PM
Check for worn brushes, usually the culprit in router power issues.

Power cord can also go bad, has happened to me.
Just using a juice sniffer to see if it is getting power is not good enough, there are at least 2 leads in the cord, 1 could be good and still get a power reading, but if the other is bad router won't work.
[So basically, you need to do a continuity test on the separate leads]

09-09-2017, 07:57 AM
Sawdust packed under the speed control stopped my router. Cleaned it out with compressed air and all was well again.