View Full Version : Vectric Project Zen Box

01-16-2018, 04:26 PM
Was cutting the lid for the Zin Garden Box, a Vecctric Project.
Using a 1/4 2 flut cutter
the Desktop Spindle was running at 210mhz

The attached pictures shows the cut, it did not cut the oak, but seem to pull it up and even wrapped around the bit and stopped the spindle movement, causing it to lose its y&z zeros.

Any help will be appreciated

Kyle Stapleton
01-16-2018, 04:42 PM
Feed rates xyz?
Depth of cut?

01-18-2018, 10:48 PM
I rarely cut Oaks, but was cutter sharp?
Of that's a raster pocket cut, perhaps hog it out Against the grain leaving about .02" for a final pass with the grain?
That's what I do to prevent the Desktop's intake from clogging on most hardwood species.
Without knowing feeds/speeds and depth of cut, kinda hard telling.
I'd probably start with the old standby of 1-1.5, .5, 14-15K with 1/2 bit diameter passes, and see what it looked/sounded like, and go from there.

01-21-2018, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the info
was cutting at 3.0ips at 12000rpm
New Onsrude Bit so I would not think sharpness an issue
will slow it down to 1ips and fiddle with the rpm
will try cutting across the grain and see4 that helps also

thanks again

01-21-2018, 08:44 PM
No Problem Jerry...Also remember that's just a rough starting point, and when you dial in RPM's so she sounds right with decent chips and cool bit...just increase feeds and speeds proportionally from there to find the right blend for your quality vs speed.
With our Desktop's dust foot inlet size, usually a good idea to hog major waste against the grain anyways.
Been cutting Walnut branches down to size for live edge small 3D's, and because I'm lazy and it's difficult to clamp round/bent branches with one Shopfox clamp...been cutting with the grain on the first face so it doesn't shift with the 1.25" mortising bit doing 2.5IPS....spent at least an hour today removing fistfuls of Walnut excelsior from my hoses/blast gates...thank goodness for clear hose and wire coat hangers, as it was ALL caught up on my bare copper wire inside the hose...a real rat's nest and PITA to clean from the wheelchair.