View Full Version : Resurface cutter pattern question

02-16-2018, 03:05 PM
Novice here. 2 questions:

I resurfaced my top and have a cut pattern at my 0,0 0,48 corners. The opposite coners are fine. Any input 'why' it is and seconly how do I address it?

I've had my table for a year and have not gone through squaring it per ShopBot instructions. I use vCarve and am not experienced using code.

An assist would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

02-16-2018, 03:39 PM
Your router is not perfectly plumb you should adjust it. I use a piece of mirror or glass and use a z shaped piece of rod chucked in the router and bring it down till it just about touches the glass. slowly spin it by hand and see where it either touches or is farther away from the glass. Adjust the router so it is the same distance all the way around

02-16-2018, 03:58 PM
Like Jerry said. Depending on the results you want, you need to take the time to make sure the router/spindle is PERFECTLY aligned to be EXACTLY 90 degrees to the table. Otherwise you will get the results you see.

02-16-2018, 08:47 PM
It has been a while since I saw the thread,

but I remember one guy adding some brackets and set screws to his Z axis so he could micro-adjust his Z in the XY planes... sort of like leveling a pool table ... never did add this to mine but looked like a great idea.

Chuck Keysor
02-16-2018, 10:18 PM
Hello Djed..... Not to be a party pooper, but I believe that if everything else on your machine were perfect, that the router being out of square would produce the same pattern of markings at all four corners. These systems can get really confusing to figure out, and must admit I have had similar problems that I could never fully resolve.

I use a mechanical dial indicator, mounted on a trammel arm chucked into my spindle collet. And despite spending hours, using super thin shims, I could never get a full rotation of the trammel arm without variations in the dial indicator. (Off hand, I don't recall my readings, as this was a couple of years ago.)

Then, feeling that I had readings as good as I could get, I'd move the spindle to some other spot on the table, and re-check my trammel readings, only to find they were far different then just a couple of feet away. (Again, I'm being vague with numbers, as I don't recall any longer (though they are probably in one of my past posts.....)

It was recommended that I check my pinions for tightness and wear, and I replaced them. Things were still off.

Some suggested my spoil board was loose, and, well, as I noted, it can get very difficult to figure out what to do.

At least take notes on what you do, and what you discover, as it may help others. And, I would suggest that you populate your personal information fields, so people can tell where you are located. Maybe you have a super helpful, expert shopbot user close by, who could offer assistance......

Good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chuck