View Full Version : Error Message

02-16-2018, 09:03 PM
The problem I've encountered deals with zeroing my bit the error message I receives reads:

The remote stop button connected to input #4 appears to be on and needs to be checked.
What is the process to rectify this situation: I've attempted to utilize the keypad to move the spindle no success.
Went to settings command line item illustrates what to switch on and off an exception reads (#4 has options) request clarification

Any information provided is greatly appreciated.
This problem could be attributed to operator error and I'm the operator

Brady Watson
02-16-2018, 09:18 PM
I am assuming this is an Alpha machine?

Sounds to me like your Zzero plate is not making electrical contact. Touch the plate to the spindle nut. Does input 1 light up on the Red DRO screen in SB3? If no, then attach the grounding clip to the collet nut and touch the plate again. Lights up now? If so use the clip from here on out when you run the routine. I am guessing you may have a router with tired brushes....but this can happen on spindles too.

The motors will push against an immovable object for up to 4 seconds before killing power to the motor drivers - then you get the message. Incidentally when you hit the e-stop this also kills power to the drivers...If you don't have electrical continuity with the plate, the motors will keep pushing until they fail. Always touch the plate to the bit before running C2. If input 1 doesn't light up - stop and find out why.


02-16-2018, 09:18 PM
Is your red/yellow E-Stop button pushed in? Check it by giving it a twist to see if it pops out and resets. It may have gotten bumped/pushed. Could be other issues, but check that first.

02-17-2018, 04:16 AM
I'm using a desktop machine

Brady Watson
02-17-2018, 07:50 AM
Well that rules out the driver fault then.

Does this happen every time you run C2?

Put the ground clamp on the front left foot and leave it there. When you touch the Zzero plate to the tip of the bit, Input 1 does light up, right?

Just off the cuff, it sounds to me like there could have been some static buildup that blew things out (communication) - or something else that 'stood on' your 5v USB connection. That error message can also pop up when communication is lost.


02-17-2018, 01:01 PM
This is the first time the event occurred, and the creation is of my own making. In between positioning the zero plate on my material and taking three steps to the computer the zero plate moved away from the tip of my bit. I didn't realize it at the time and when the bit came in contact with my material hence my problem. The grounding clip is positioned on the left front leg and I tapped the zero plate to the tip of my bit and the #1 light came on.

Brady Watson
02-17-2018, 01:16 PM
Well that will do it...

Press the plate down as it touches off to get a more accurate measurement - AND the plate won't move or kick up because the dust foot pushed down on the angle etc.


02-17-2018, 01:33 PM
The problem is nothing operates on C2 nor does it work with keying the x, y, or z manually

02-17-2018, 05:08 PM
One thing i would do is shut everything down. Then go over to your circuit breaker that your bot is on and shut that down also. Let it sit for a couple minutes then power everything back up. Many times errors get stuck in the memory chip in the bot and this wipes that clean.

02-17-2018, 06:00 PM
Thanks for everyone's timely response, I thing I will do for sure is to hold onto the zero plate to prevent any movement. Tried everyone's suggestion in one way or another and the problem is resolved by going to utilities