View Full Version : Tool path dropping into "ATC_XYZ_Home.sbp" unexpectedly

02-22-2018, 12:03 PM
I have a fairly simple tool path that moves to a predetermined location, and zeros the Z axis. As it ends the file it throws me in to "ATC_XYZ_Home.sbp" which telling me there is no tool in the tool holder since I do not have a tool holder this leads to bad places.

The subroutine it goes to is:

'If &ToolIN is zero tool then test to make sure it is really empty
If &ToolIN = 0 Then GoTo ZeroToolIN

'Check to make sure there is a tool holder properly inserted into spindle
If %(57) = 0 Then GoTo ToolNotIN
If &dropped = 1 Then &dropped = 0

This happens after all my commands are executed the only thing I can think of is that because I'm zeroing at 3,50 there is code that is assuming I do have a tool holder, but I can find where this test is to disable it or program around it.

Any help will be appreciated

The file I'm running is as follows:

'GENERATED BY Al McWaters, 02/13/2018
'This file will zero Z axis to the spoil board using the post.
IF %(25)=1 THEN GOTO UNIT_ERROR 'check to see software is set to standard
SA 'Set program to absolute coordinate mode
SF,0 'Turn off limit checking temporarily here
SO, 1, 0 'Confirm Spindles OFF
C#,90 'Load variables from my_variables.sbc, process called by Custom Cut 90
'---------------------------------------Defined Variables----------------------------------------------
&answer = "N"
&answer2 = "N"
'---------------------------------------Start main routine--------------------------------------------
INPUT "It requires that you have a tool installed in the spindel. Do you have your tooling installed in the spindle? (Y,N)":Y, &answer
If &answer = Y then GoSub Tool_Installed
If &answer <>Y then GoSub Install_Tool
INPUT "Is your tooling is higher than the thickness of your matrial? (Y,N)":Y, &answer2
If &answer2 = y then GoSub Tool_Installed
If &answer2 <> y then GoSub Adjust_Z
INPUT "Is your tooling centered on the post? (Y,N)":N, &answer2
If &answer2 = y then GoSub Tool_Installed
If &answer2 <> y then GoSub Adjust_X-Y
FP,C:\SbParts\Zzero.sbp 'Default Z zeroing routine
JZ,&MY_ZZEROTHICKNESS 'jogs down down the thickness of the z-plate as entered in the machine setting
'Because we are using the default Zzero.sbp subroutine this
'Moves the tool down to actual zero to compensate for the thickness of the
'Zzero Plate which we are not using.
ZZ 'Sets machine to actual Zero
INPUT "Enter a number that is higher than the thickness of your matrial to jog the spindle up to." &moveTo
JZ,&moveTo 'Jogs spindle up the enterd amount.
'Done and Done
'------------------------------------Sub Routines--------------------------------------------------------------
'Use the keyboard to raise your tooling higher than your material.
'Use the keyboard to raise the spindle then intsall your tooling, making sure the tool will clear you material when we jog to post. Close the Keypad.
INPUT "Are X&Y zeroed to the table defaults? Did you use C3 to set the X&Y?": N, &Defaults
If &Defaults = Y then GOSUB Default
If &Defaults <> Y then GOSUB Not_Default
J2, 3,50
'Use keyboard to move tooling over center of post then close keyboard.

Brady Watson
02-22-2018, 01:30 PM
What is your tool configuration? - Is your tool an ATC?

I *think* what you are trying to do is move the tool to an XY location, and then touch off of a tool setting/zzero plate using a conventional router or spindle (not ATC) - Correct?

If this is the case, you may find it easiest to just modify (copy, paste and rename) Zzero.sbp. Put a line in there to jog over to where your plate is first. If you don't want prompts (like Press OK to Zero etc), comment out the PAUSE commands below the associated comment in Zzero.sbp (or your renamed file so you don't mess up the original).

Go into C:\SBParts\Custom\My_Variables.sbc and change the thickness of the Zzero plate to reflect your toolsetter/plate thickness.

Doing it this way is easier, simpler and there is no concern for what tool you have in it. When you're done, make yourself a CustomCut using any unused C#. Emulate the code in C:\SBParts\CustomCustom2.sbc for your new Custom Cut.
