View Full Version : New Install, Wired, Turned On and BOOM!

08-10-2007, 03:16 PM
I had an electrician wire up a used PRSAlpha. I just hooked up the computer to the unit via USB, turned on the main control box, started the software and connected to the ShopBot OK.

Then following some directions on in a folder, I pressed "Start" on the side of the main box and then I pressed "Reset".

BOOM, the smaller controller box with all the buttons and display made a loud pop sound, shot sparks, and smoke.

Any ideas of what the heck happened? How should I go about diagnosing the problem?

08-10-2007, 03:50 PM
It sounds serious. When you said, "smaller controller box", do you mean the VFD for a spindle? If so, I'm guessing that the electrician made a wiring mistake. Until you know where the smoke came from, the degree of damage (if any) can't be determined.

Check and double check the wiring to verify that everything was hooked up properly before applying power to the machine again.

08-11-2007, 11:53 AM
It also sound like you need a new electrician.
One that knows what he is doing. It would be a shame and expensive if he smoked a brand new VFD by wiring it wrong.