View Full Version : 2006 PRT Alpha 32" $3500

Malmey Studios
04-03-2018, 11:17 AM
Model: 2006 PRT Alpha 32"
Nominal Cutting Area* 24" x 32" x 5"
Total Tool Movement Area* 25" x 33" x 7"
Footprint** 37"(+37") x 54" x 68"

I have a older shop bot 2006 (Desk Top/ Buddy) for sale it is older but over all a good working and well rounded machine.

I got the bot 2nd hand in 2013. It’s retrofitted with a Bosch 1 1/2 hp router, the limit switches are included but are not being used, the z plate is included but not being used. These may all be little quirks that are fixable in the Shop bot software but I just never used them! I felt more comfortable setting all my own parameters.
I only ever cut foam and soft wood w the machine, the original router burnt up on me about 3 years ago or so I used the boush router as a cheap and easily obtainable router. I think the fuse that allowed the router to turn on and off while the machine is running is burnt out as well but I always just turned the router on and off by hand! The machine was used last week and ran fine. I will provide pics and videos hopefully today. Feel free to text or call


Malmey Studios
04-03-2018, 12:04 PM
A couple links to the bot running


I will get pics posted very soon

Malmey Studios
04-03-2018, 12:18 PM
A couple pics of the bot when we first got her.........more pics to come

Malmey Studios
04-03-2018, 01:17 PM
Still a little dusty but here are some pics

Malmey Studios
04-04-2018, 01:29 AM
Set up a 3D file and raised the Z for an Air cut. Also put a piece of paper on the table with the date 4/3/2018 to show that the machine is currently in good working condition.


Malmey Studios
04-28-2018, 11:21 AM
SOLD - This item has been sold!