View Full Version : Blown Driver Board...I think

10-18-2005, 08:16 PM
Hey all, I have a tech support call into shopbot, but thought it would be worth posting here as well...

I have a PRT 96. One of my X motors has no power in it at all... It turns, but I can stop the motor with my hands. I swapped out the stepper motor and tried a working one in its place and had the same problem. I then went ahead and replaced the cable from the control box to the stepper motor and still the same problem. I also took the apparently blown stepper motor and connected it to the other X-Axis motor connector and it works fine. It would appear that the motors and wiring isn't the problem, and the problem is in the control box. Any suggestions would be of great help!

In the mean time, it is a tall order, but like the rest of you, I too have some pretty important deadlines to make! I ask if there is anyone else out there with a control box for a PRT model, maybe not in use for a week, or have it on a shelf because you got a new Alpha model and you are in Ontario Canada, would you be willing to rent it out or lend, or even just sell the board to a fellow shopbotter while my board gets repaired? Desperate times!! I am in the Toronto Canada area. Any help would be appreciated! E-mail me if you have any info to help!

Cheers All.
Shawn Walker
sw@rwdi.com (mailto:sw@rwdi.com)

10-18-2005, 08:48 PM
ok... I need to post this, First off my hats off to ShopBot tools. If anyone ever asks why they should buy a shopbot, sent them to this post! I am sure shopbot cannot always respond to a tech support question this fast! but the effort they put into Tech support is incredible. You my see a hint of desperation in my previous post! I have a valued customer who needs a Mold machined by this friday. I had this broblem ocour earlier this evening. I sent Shopbot an e-mail minutes before I posted this message. Look at the times here and remember Shopbot is in the same timezone as I am. EST.

E-mailed shopbot with my problem at 8:10pm
Posted on this forum my problem at 8:16pm
Got a call from Shopbot at 8:32pm

Problem fixed! we are now using the accessory chanel as my x2 driver and all is working fine!

My hats of to Shopbot, and Grant for making the late night call!

10-19-2005, 08:51 AM
I have never had ANYTHING but GOOD things to say about the ShopBot support team!

They are truly dedicated to keeping our machines running.

TED!! Give them all a raise!
