View Full Version : Bar stool to match a previous step stool purchase

04-20-2018, 01:00 PM
Wonder what it would take to get a 2018 show-&-tell folder…

Here’s a bar stool I was commissioned to make to match a previous step stool purchase… The original request was for a welded metal base, I used these inexpensive IKEA legs to let her try height and footrest combinations, unfortunately, she fell in love with the look… I’m not sold on it!

She wanted two live edges like her step stool… first “sit-down” convinced her I was right; the front edge should be smooth!

I made the curved seat by extruding an arch across the pecan blank using a VCP molding tool-path.

I matched the rung ends to the leg diameter with a spindle sander and attached them with 3M VHB tape… I had thought that that the VHB was a temporary “proof-of-concept” attachment, but it’s not coming apart without destroying it!

Does anyone have any long-term experience with VHB wood to metal attachment?


04-21-2018, 10:44 AM
Looks Great Steve!! :)
I too was wondering about the bark on edge in the first pic...glad she listened to reason!
GREAT contrasts while respecting the wood's features at the same time.

04-22-2018, 10:40 AM
I like it. It has a great look.
I'm sure you've already seen this.
Sounds like a new stool will be easier than removal. Maybe a new one for her and a shop stool for you, so you can test.
