View Full Version : How to get a single phase spindle working with 3 phase power?

05-10-2018, 11:24 AM
I moved to a new shop that only has 3-phase power. The spindle that I own is single phase. What do I have to do to get it running?

05-10-2018, 11:45 AM
Hi Vinny, we just need to know the model of spindle and VFD to get you going. Feel free to write in to support@shopbottools.com anytime for direct support, but basically all spindles are actually run on three phase power. Your VFD (variable frequency drive) is also a phase converter, that takes the incoming power from your wall (whether it is single phase or three phase) and converts it to the correct output to run the spindle motor (if you look at the VFD nameplate you should see TWO power specifications. INPUT and OUTPUT. you should see that output is three phase power, all day).

So, since you are now on three phase power, what has changed? The overall amperage draw is less on three phase - which does possibly reduce our power potential but this is fine - which means your VFD and spindle both already can run on this power. Your current VFD is larger (can support more amperage/power) than the three-phase provides. If you went the other way (from three phase shop to single phase shop) you may actually need a new VFD that could handle the extra amperage.

Now all we need to do is get power connected and get the VFD programming in line with the power. This is where knowing the model of the spindle (and horsepower) and VFD comes into play. For most all, the programming is actually the same for single and three phase, and you should be fine to hook up three phase and start running. Changes in the control box to be made are only making sure all cabling is in place to carry all three legs of power from the disconnect to the contactors to the VFD.

Here is where to find the VFD programming from ShopBot (look in the Spindle section and VFD section): https://support.shopbottools.com/support/documentation/accessories

-Tom H.

05-10-2018, 02:37 PM
Thank you Tom for quick response.

It turns out that I have a VFD that can take either single phase or 3 phase.
