View Full Version : Stepmotor issue...maybe..? Help!

06-30-2018, 08:40 PM
While in middle of a time-sensitive project it seems as if one of my step motors glitched. As my gantry jogged to a position and slowing down one of the step motors made somewhat of a ratchet sound. I check the last cut and my Y was off by .25". I checked motor/gear engagement, key, teeth etc and all is well. Unfortunatley with controller turned on the motors do not lock in sync, I am able to manually move the gantry with some effort... Bad timing. Any input on how to troubleshoot will be greatly appreciated.

07-01-2018, 11:44 AM
Ben @ SB tech support was very helpful and quick to respond. It was a 'OO' error (Owner-Operator). Loose computer connection. Oh, the obvious can certainly humble.

07-01-2018, 11:47 AM
Have you tried dropping the motors and see if they run smooth. Is this a alpha or standard. If it is a standard and has the 4g controller make sure that you are getting all green lights on the gecko drives. I had one that had a blown fuse that did what you are describing. Easy fix the fuse is the little green resistor looking item it just plugs in. Gecko sent me 2 for free