View Full Version : Yellow Input 3 AND Red Input 4?!

07-04-2018, 11:55 AM
Hey guys. I was running my Desktop (which gets run only rarely since I just use it for hobby stuff) and low and behold I have yet another problem. Seems every other time I use the machine I encounter something.
1- Input 3 is yellow
2- Input 4 is red
Symptoms: When I run the machine it will cut for 10-30 seconds and then, regardless of file, will stop and give me an error stating:
Title: Shopbot No Longer Being Recognized
Error details: An error is occurring that could not be corrected. You will need to exit, check all cables, then restart the software. Tool location may no longer be accurate."

It doesn't seem to have ANY issues with this if I restart and go through the C3, C2, etc. process to get back to where I can run the cuts again.

From my research it seems like the yellow may be a bad cable or sensor? But both errors together...???

07-04-2018, 04:45 PM
Do a UR and put your info back in. Then reload the firmware.

07-05-2018, 07:31 PM
As dumb as it sounds I keyed into the "check your cables" part of the error... The laptop that runs my shopbot sits on a slide-out tray connected to the table the CNC is on. Lately I've been using larger diameter bits and running at higher feeds so I thought maybe this is vibration issues? No joke... held the USB firmly into the port while running SEVERAL paths and saw no problems lol
Could it have been that dumb-simple?

07-05-2018, 09:14 PM
As dumb as it sounds I keyed into the "check your cables" part of the error... The laptop that runs my shopbot sits on a slide-out tray connected to the table the CNC is on. Lately I've been using larger diameter bits and running at higher feeds so I thought maybe this is vibration issues? No joke... held the USB firmly into the port while running SEVERAL paths and saw no problems lol
Could it have been that dumb-simple?

Yes, it could be a simple loose USB connection. I've got one USB that isn't quite right sized, and it'll beep that it disconnected, then reconnected itself, and everything's fine for a few hours or days, then it does it again.