View Full Version : Turning on an air nozzle with program
07-25-2018, 06:22 PM
I have a PRSAlpha 48x96 just a year old.
Is there an output on the PCB that would allow for turning on an accessory, i.e. air hose or motor?
How would I go about adding that to a Tool Path file?
07-25-2018, 07:52 PM
The quick answer to your question is “yes” you can do exactly what you’re wanting to do!
There are several inputs and outputs available, and if there aren’t enough for what you’re wanting to do, you can buy an expansion board! I’m not familiar with new machines but in the past, the interfaces on the board were TTL level, meaning you’d need relays to handle real world voltage and current levels.
Programming is super easy! The command SO (switch operate) followed by parameters… i.e. 5,1 where 5 is the switch # and 1 is on (0 for off). You could add this command to your post processor if desired, manually edit a program or click on the graphical interface in the SB3 program.
Call ShopBot, they can give you any pertinent info for your model.
I’m on the road and unable to give you links to the programming manual, but with a little hunting you will find it!
08-03-2018, 12:36 PM
You could add this command to your post processor if desired,
Hi Steve_G: I'd be using this on a tool path with a hundred slots so having the commands added automatically would be handy. I have very little programming experience and so far my attempts to alter ShopBot programs has been a total failure but I have altered Cut Path files OK and know that inserting a hundred on and off commands would be tedious. Can you maybe steer me to a tutorial or explain how I would add this to the Post Processor?
Thank you,
Brady Watson
08-03-2018, 02:00 PM
Everything you need to know is in the Vectric Post Processor Guide ( You will have to think about WHEN you want it turned on or off.
Hardware-wise you will need a relay board to trigger whatever electro-pneumatic valve you have. Direct 5v TTL voltage on the board to the device is a no-no.
I think I might have a good, never used SB relay board on the shelf I can sell you for less than a new one. If interested PM me and I will look.
This is a good read ( and does what you are looking to do (turning a switch on/off). The post processor for that is here ( - Just download it and see how it was done for yourself.
FYI - All it's doing is turning an Output On (1) or Off (0) :: SO,5,1 means Set Output number 5 to 1/ON This means that you need to have your physical #5 Output on the control board wired to your relay board and your valve on the other side of the relay. You'll also need a common ground between the boards...
08-04-2018, 09:04 PM
Thanks for chimeing in! I'm having horrible to no internet in Yellowstone!
08-15-2018, 04:24 PM
Related question:
The PP the you linked for the Laser only has the word "laser" in 3 places 2 in notes at the beginning and once in the footer to turn it off. Not sure what I'm supposed to make of that, don't see how it can work.
Suppose I add the command variables to the Post Processor to turn on/off coolant. If there's nothing coming out of VcarvePro to activate that code, how will it be entered into the final Toolpath file?
IF the setting doesn't exist in Vcarve Pro. THEN how will the necessary information be communicated to the Post Processor so it will be included in the Toolpath file?
Therefore I assume code will have to be generated entirely within the PP itself. I would need to add "something" in the PP say when Z axis goes negative, Output x turns on (1) and when Z axis pulls up Output x turns off (0). Perhaps add IF/THEN statements to the FEED_MOVE or Z position somehow. How? What would that look like?
Brady Watson
08-15-2018, 06:41 PM
After taking a closer look at the JPL PP, you either need to slightly modify the JPL PP to work with your router (add Z commands & Router commands to PP) or modify your PP to turn the coolant on/off with the output commands. My previous post was just meant to push you in the right direction...with you doing all the heavy lifting (reading, understanding & writing your post...)
There's enough info to do this yourself with the links I've provided. However, I get that messing with post processors isn't everyone's cup of tea. If you need a quote on writing a custom PP for your application that does exactly what you need and works, send me an email.
08-17-2018, 04:25 PM
I would happily mess with it IF it were understandable but I'm not seeing a clear instruction. ShopBot Support says: "The post processors for VCarve can be found in C:\ProgramData\Vectric\VCarve Pro - ShopBot Edition\V9.0\PostP
the SO (set output) command is what you need (SO,#,# - Set Output # to 1-On 0-Off)" But a search for the terms "SO" or "set output" produce no relevant results in the PP or in the editing guide so I'm left dangling.
I asked one of our programmers to look at it but he's swamped.
I would have to submit a request to purchasing for you to write a custom PP. How much would you charge for this?
Brady Watson
08-17-2018, 04:46 PM
Check with Steven.
08-22-2018, 07:51 AM
Hello Jerry,
I would need to add "something" in the PP say when Z axis goes negative, Output x turns on (1) and when Z axis pulls up Output x turns off (0).
To do this within a Vectric post processor, you would need to add the "PLUNGE_MOVE" and "RETRACT_MOVE" sections to the post processor.
For details please check the Vectric Post Processor Guide ( (available from the "Help" menu item of the main menu bar of the application).
The "PLUNGE_MOVE" and "RETRACT_MOVE" sections are detailed in the section of the guide titled "Other less frequently used sections".
For the example that you have mentioned, if using output 5 as Brady mentioned in his example, you would need to add something like:
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ Commands output for Retract Moves
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ Commands output for Retract Moves
+ ---------------------------------------------------
Plus any other commands as required for each operation.
I hope that this helps.
09-14-2018, 06:09 PM
Everything you need to know is in the Vectric Post Processor Guide ( ...
This is a good read ( and does what you are looking to do (turning a switch on/off). The post processor for that is here ( - Just download it and see how it was done for yourself.
FYI - All it's doing is turning an Output On (1) or Off (0) :: SO,5,1 means Set Output number 5 to 1/ON This means that you need to have your physical #5 Output on the control board wired to your relay board and your valve on the other side of the relay. You'll also need a common ground between the boards...
Thank you Brady, I looked at what jtechphotonics did, added BEGIN PLUNGE_MOVE "SO,3,1" and BEGIN RETRACT_MOVE "SO,3,0", with a degree of success. I have a couple bugs. When initiating straight lines it follows the line to the last 1/4" then ramps down. If it's the start of a square then the only the last 1/4" of the first side is cut, the other 3 sides cut perfect. An "i" looks lie a superscript colon (:), "ll" looks like quotes (").
I also tried adding "SO,3,1" to the BEGIN FEED_MOVE which also works except for one little bug, the spindle turns off part way through the file.
It seems to me neither of these should be related in anyway to the added instruction. WTH???
Any ideas?
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