View Full Version : Does This SOUND Right?

09-18-2018, 10:57 AM
I've only ever messed with MY particular Shopbot CNC. I was running a path with the spindle off as a simple test before cutting things with it; just watch to make sure it looks like it's doing things right.

Does this sound like everyone else's shopbot? I'm particularly curious what ya'll think about the sounds when:
1- It hits the end of a line and moves in the y-direction to go do another
2- When it finishes the parallel part of the path and then goes and does the path around the edge. Especially how this sounds when it goes in the positive x and y directions at the same time.



Chuck Keysor
09-18-2018, 11:07 AM
Hello Chris. Everything sounded like what I hear on my PRT alpha, except the kind of flute sound in the 30 to 33 second region. I have never heard that before from my machine. As to the cause, well, you'll need someone with a big brain to weigh in on that...……… Good luck, Chuck

09-18-2018, 12:29 PM
That's what my PRT Alpha sounded like. The motors are stepper motors and what you hear is the impulse of each step. Sometimes the sound can be really loud if the steps per second match up with some mechanical resonance somewhere in your machine.

Try running a circle and you will hear the frequency shift very clearly.

Paul Z