View Full Version : 2005 PRT alpha 60"' x 120" with Indexer and Adjustable Indexer Bay

09-18-2018, 08:51 PM
"https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/tls/d/shopbot-cnc-prt-alpha-120x60x/6697077442.html" target="_blank">sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/tls/d/shopbot-cnc-prt-alpha-120x60x/6697077442.html</a>.</p>

Livermore, CA . For Sale: see picts Above is link to craigslist.
Call me at 925-364-0643 or CWSProductions@aol.com

2005 120x60x5" PRTAlpha with prox switches
(This size allows you to work two sheets of Baltic Birch at once)
3hp Variable Speed Colombo Spindle (1 RPM up to 24,000 RPM)
6" Alpha Index head
My table has been designed to provide an 18"x18"x10' Indexer bay with adjustable spacing to make use of this head. see picts. This allows cutting like a lathe and engraving on round surfaces...See MyLitPole.com. ...
z-zero plate
3-d probe which will create a 3d or 2d point cloud of any object.
JDS Canister VAC, 1.5HP 110/220v two port (4") with remote ac switch
Fein Turbo II vac for "Bill Palumbo" vac hold down system along with strategic "thru holes" to enable bolting for hold down.
My table has 5 zones for vacuum control
Welded 6" I beam steel table

Dust Vac goes with too!
(Table has I beam wheel set to allow transport so there will be no need to disassemble..Just roll onto flatbed .Control box is mounted on 4x8 ply that can be put on top of table without removing wires and with gantry secured, pulled onto a flatbed tow truck and driven to new home...Just attach power and get going....)

Computer, flat screen monitor, and work table and chair go with. shopbot software with basic operation comes with.
Miscellaneous router bits and extras will be included.

I will include Del Cams Art Cam v. 8.... Requires dongle to operate which I have... It was an $8000.00 program at time I purchased and only way to do 3d at time. Current Aspire 8 is comparable in abilities.

The spindle was always warmed up before start...Lubed regularly with white lithium.. Relatively low hours as it sat in storage for two+ years.... My dreams and physical abilities have changed...Hope it can find a new dreamer.... Really relatively light usage over the years.

The way I designed the steel framing, you can leave the Indexer Bay available and still work on 4'x10' sheet goods. Great for using two 5' x 5' Baltic Birch sheets at one time!

Go to Vectric.com and see!

A new PRS Apha from ShopBot with comparable size and gear ( that's with just a flat table, Indexer would require seperate bed) would run w tax/shipping: $36,751.

$25,000 Cell 925-364-0643 :D